Woman President?

Is it feesable to bring on a Woma

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BMWdude said:
frolf said:
the facts? from an extreme leftist like michael moore? hardly. if his half-wit type jokes that bridge the gap from weak fact to strong fact are supposed to make me believe osama and bush are penpals then i don't know what to think.
Of course, some details we may never know are 100% true, but the movie is basically saying Bush Jr. is a bad president. America was better of with Clinton and thats a fact. And I don't want to hear excuses like Clinton was riding the dot com period. Bush could be riding the "hydrogen-powered-cars" period, but instead he is pouring money into some useless war.
The thing is, you cant trust everything people say. All of those intervies got edited, and i am sure they did a little editing to take what they wanted and leave out what might present an argument for the other party.

And the whole war issue is totally subjectional. Clinton didnt have a major attack against america, besides the terrorist attack on the USS Cole, and as expected all he did was rant and rave about how he would hunt them down, but never did.

Every president gets delt a different hand. Judge them only based on the way they handled their hand. You cant say Clinton would have done better if he had been president during these times with Bush, I mean this in a positive way...Clinton is a huge wusy. He can sit behind a desk, and balance a budget, but there is more to presidency than that.

Based on what Bush has been through this term, he has done extremely well. The economy IS getting better. Health care will always be a problem, its so expensive. Jobs have been overseas for decades...why is everyone whining about it now? It isnt up to Bush who gets to do what with their company. It will always be cheaper to manufactur things overseas...taxes etc influence their decision, but it doesnt make it.

I think most people have the wrong view on things. A lot of people have anger issues too, it seems like all the anti bush people are going mad, just by their attitudes, be mature about it at pahleeeeez.
I simpley brought this topic up just because i believe that a woman is politically motivated by other things than "world domination" and things like that. It is a statistic fact men are driven by power and the perception of power. Case and point...something so simplistic as this forum, BMW (in America) is a symbol of success and sucess most of the time equals power on one level or another, it certainly appears to me that at least 95% of the board members are men. 99% of major market dominating businesses are run and managed by men and I know that without my wife, I COULD NOT run my household and stay focused on my mission at work. It is hard to describe.....Men build the "POWER" but IMO women hold it together. And no I am not batting for the PINK team. Just looking for options so that my children don't have to be looked at as "Baby killing Bush lovers" Which is what my neighbor calls me simply cause I work for the U.S. Army. SAD but true
Lincoln, CA
I don't think Hillary, Feinstein, Boxer, or Pelosi aren't driven by power. They seem exactly like they're male counterparts in that respect. Maybe regular women are the "glue" or whatever, but the ones in power sure seem like one of the boys. And look like them too.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
My brother was in the Air Force for eight years in Germany, still visits there with friends today. He says that those that "hate America" today are the same ones and numbers that hated America ten years ago! Wasn't Clinton President ten years ago? I do not think the "hatred of America' is new and can't be contributed to Bush alone.

And I think Codex is correct on the women and power issue.
Big Daddy said:
My brother was in the Air Force for eight years in Germany, still visits there with friends today. He says that those that "hate America" today are the same ones and numbers that hated America ten years ago! Wasn't Clinton President ten years ago? I do not think the "hatred of America' is new and can't be contributed to Bush alone.

And I think Codex is correct on the women and power issue.
True and un true at the same time...alot of the people that I speak with were only 8 to 12 years old ten years ago and had not formed a comprehensive opinion about America at that time. I hear the same stuff....that America had the worlds support (and should have capitalized on that support) after 9/11. The war in Afghanistan was SUPPORTED by the majority of the "super power" countries which is why so many other countries contributed monies and soldiers to the cause. Iraq (in the opinion of the new foriegn youth) was not a threat to the U.S. or any other country at the time. EVERYONE here see's the Iraq war as "un-finished business" of the Bush clan. True or not....these are the opinions and views of the up and coming generation in Europe. Which is what spawns the "World Domination" and "War Hungry American" sentiment other countries have against us. Europeans (for the most part) LOVED Clinton and thought it was tragic that we as a Nation put our President on 8th street infront of the world by impeaching him because he got a blow job.

Please don't "FLAME" me. I am simply re-itterrating what I have over heard and been told.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Nope no flames from me, I understand what you are saying. I just do not understand why people cannot understand that terrorists only understand one thing, death. Most people in the world have no clue how to deal with someone who is willing to die to kill you.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
jszar said:
Clinton is a huge wusy. He can sit behind a desk, and balance a budget, but there is more to presidency than that.

The key is being able to distinguish strength from a bully attitude. Bush talks tough but that’s about all that’s there and yes this does attract some people. But I must laugh that some people think this attitude is strength.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
Big Daddy said:
Most people in the world have no clue how to deal with someone who is willing to die to kill you.

I think they do. We are having problems understanding-they are catching them we are not. They seem to understand the need to work together and we don't.

As a country how can we possibly take this on ourselves? Do you really think we have the resources to go into each country and find terrorists? I mean we are already practically owned financially by some countries. Do we attack everyone?

I guess I am just having a hard time understanding what we are going to do about terrorism. We can’t seem to find them here how are we ever going to single handedly search every country?

I think it was Roberts, a Republican from Kansas that pointed out how much worse the problem with terrorists is today than pre Iraq war. Actually a number of reports show an increase in numbers and locations.

No flaming or disrespect guys but do any of you have some type of reasonable idea about how we are going to deal with this?
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MyHarley said:
BTW, Clinton wasnt impeached for getting a blow job, he was impeached for lying and obstruction of justice. There is a difference.
You know this......I know this as does most Americans. MyHarley.....to the rest of the world, Clinton was impeached for getting a blow job. It is hard to view America from with in. Next time you are on a trip outside the U.S. (and for you that seems often) just sit and talk to some of the locals. Listen to what they say....it will astonish you, the mentality.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
tool fan said:
I hear the same stuff....that America had the worlds support (and should have capitalized on that support) after 9/11. .

Tool Fan brings up an excellent point. We had the support of the world. We had Saddam under a microscope. With truly strong leadership we could have united almost all in or cause and formed an International alliance against terrorism. Instead, we alienated many and took on a country of little PROVEN terrorist activity. But Iraq was not about terrorism, just my opinion although increasing shared by more people.

There is clearly a move to remove leaders supportive of the United States.

We had the worlds support-what a tragically missed opportunity.
Bryan330i said:
No flaming or disrespect guys but do any of you have some type of reasonable idea about how we are going to deal with this?
Watch our own backyards.....I know literally hundreds of soldiers in Iraq right now, and I served with a few of the ones who have been killed (tragic). The whole country of Iraq was not and is not worth the lives of these soldiers. Seriously........what is the politcal motivation behind this war. It is not terrorism, it can't be all for oil, it is not because the American Government developed an over bearing sense of compassion for the poor peoples of Iraq. What is it. There are hundreds of countries in Africa and Asia that are 100x's worse off than Iraq....why don't we save face and fix those problems ......WHY????? because there is no MONEY in Africa. Hey, I say that if these freaking people that we tried to free from oppression are so hateful towards us... F^ck'em ....let 'em have Saddam back and our soldiers come back home...RIGHT? No it is not like that....the news and propaganda wants the world to believe that the Iraqi people hate us. My ex soldiers that I email with tell me that the Majority of the Iraqi people are very appreciative and try to help out and police themselves when possible. You don't see that though. Hating America is the worlds favorite pasttime right now. Just like the "haters" in the states. "He drives a BMW...that stuck up asshole" We love to hate the things we love.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
Yes, we need to watch our own back yard.

I have no idea for sure what the Iraq was is all about but there are a number of convincing reports that demonstrate how it could not be based on terrorism because of the proven terrorist activity in Iraq compared to other countries-other countries where the activity is documented to be far more substantial.

And yes there are a lot worse trouble spots around the world and it truly shows how little people actually know about the world to believe this is about saving Iraq’s people. Also, the same holds true for WMD’s. Why are we not concerned about missing nuclear items in other not-secure countries? This is very strange indeed.

I was part of a fairly exclusive Special Forces unit in the 80’s. And I feel like I have a good understanding, combined with real-world experience, on a lot of these issues and none of this appears to even be reasonable.
Bryan330i said:
Hey Mike...what time is it there. It's like 4am here. I have this internal alarm clock set for 3-4am.
At current it is 1400 or 2pm. 21/2 more hours of work. How is Vegas? I am so jealouse....you are the closest to home for me.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
frolf said:
i am more disappointed in American society because of the fact that the only thing that can unite our country is a national tragedy. even then we bicker once back on our feet.

sorry for the offtopicness

Yes, I think that’s part of the party system that I hate. Unfortunately there is still about 80% of our country that follow it and probably about 40% that are true party voters regardless of the issues or people. It creates a divided attitude and the notion that anyone that does not agree with us is somehow bad.

What once was a system to portray simple issues and thoughts to gather segments of voters not in touch with all the specifics has created a divided society based purely on voting party without regard for hard facts.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Bryan330i said:
I think they do. We are having problems understanding-they are catching them we are not. They seem to understand the need to work together and we don't.

How do you think they are catching them? Information shared by us and them. It is being done jointly.

As a country how can we possibly take this on ourselves? Do you really think we have the resources to go into each country and find terrorists? I mean we are already practically owned financially by some countries. Do we attack everyone?

We are not doing it alone. How exactly are we "owned by some countriest" and what do you mean? I think we do what Bush proposed we do. If you harbor or support terrorists you are against us. Some countries have already laid down their weapons without a shot fired

I guess I am just having a hard time understanding what we are going to do about terrorism. We can’t seem to find them here how are we ever going to single handedly search every country?

It would be tough, but we are not doing it alone are we? Then consider the scandal in the UN right now, do we trust them? Or if it is going to be hard then I guess we should just forget it and cave in to the terrorists?

I think it was Roberts, a Republican from Kansas that pointed out how much worse the problem with terrorists is today than pre Iraq war. Actually a number of reports show an increase in numbers and locations.

I do not believe that, other than they are the run because of the war on terrorism and are being flushed out. If you have a cancer you do not sit back and let it kill you, you fight back. Are you saying we were better off with the sleeper cells being quite and asleep?

No flaming or disrespect guys but do any of you have some type of reasonable idea about how we are going to deal with this?
No I do not, but that is the job of my government not me. No plan is perfect and without risk, but some action is better than none. I am sure glad that my ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, and I am willing to bet at times there "plan" seemed lacking.
