Election determines fate of nation

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
We need that "Global Test" first! Besides now President Putin (since his country is now feeling terrorism first hand) is endorsing Bush and the American Communist Party endorses Kerry!


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
indy_85stariones said:
Are you a some sort of elitist? Are you suggesting that if a person doesn't have a respected pedigree or possess a degree from a widely-known university, then his words carry no merit?

Judge the man by his words and opinions, not his resume!
No! Not at all. I'm not a Yale-y like Kerry and Bush, or a Harvard Business School MBA graudate from Massachusetts like Bush was. My point was on the same hypocracy. Sending out "professor" when it's really "assisant professor" is the same bulls#$@% pretentions those guys use to prop up their supremacy. (It's like my buddy who works at the navy supply school....they try to feed him a line about what's obviously going on in this Iraq mess.)
indy_85stariones said:
Judge the man by his words and opinions, not his resume!
In politics, I think it's more important to judge the man by his past actions, voting record and "bedfellows".

Politicians words and opinions change to suit the audience.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Did you know that emergency services have been cut? Where are the increased port container inspections, what are we now inspecting 1 in 20 or something ridiculous?

Emergency Services have NOT been cut, the typical response from liberals. Homeland Security has been increased by 14% over last years budget, a cut from the "proposed" pork budget. My son-in-law is in the Coast Guard and they are actively inspecting port containers and ships entering the ports.

-- Homeland Security Funding Cuts by President Bush Fail to Fund Fire Fighter and First Responder Needs http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=27324

A no source link, most likely from the firefighters liberal union.

February 6, 2004 - After ignoring the needs and contributions of the fire service in his State of the Union address, President Bush unveiled a budget that cuts federal assistance to first responders by $800 million. http://www.afdlocal2141.org/bush_budget_slashes_first_respon.htm

Again another pork cut. The budget was actually increased over the 04 budget.

According to President Bush’s 2005 Budget, first responders will see their funding cut by $805 million beginning next year. http://actforvictory.org/act.php/blog/archive/ridge_in_west_virginia

Quoted from an anti Bush web site, a great source!

Firefighters Fuming Over Bush's Budget Cuts http://www.10news.com/news/2828978/detail.html

This is a cut in GRANT money, not anyone's budget.

President Bush's new budget would not devote enough money to domestic security, senators said Monday, noting big cuts in funds for firefighters, police and others who would respond to a terrorist attack.

These are quotes from Feb 04, and from Joe Lieberman, a democrat who has now endorsed President Bush. Having been a police officer there has always been enough money for anything we requested. I can give examples of the waste if grant money which again this is.

"A stunning 30 percent cut ... for first responders http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,110891,00.html


It would seem to me that he is thinking and others are acting like sheep....baaaa

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Bryan330i said:
The Bush administration is "rolling out the welcome mat for terrorists and illegal aliens" in seeking to legalize millions of foreign nationals illegally in the United States and in proposing budget cuts "thinning the ranks" of America's border force, says the head of the Border Patrol's 10,000-member union...the Border Patrol — whose responsibilities include 6,000 miles of international border — is slated for cuts totaling more than $18.3 million. http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20040311-113623-8745r.htm

Come on Bryan this is a March 04 article. Bush backed off the legalization of illegals. Besides this is an old democrat trick!

“A secure and efficient border is key to our economic security.” – Bush, 9/9/02

While Bush did hold a photo-op to sign legislation promising more INS/Border Patrol staff and facilities, his budget provided no additional money for this. Additionally, in August, Bush vetoed $6.25M for promised pay upgrades for Border Patrol agents. Additionally, he vetoed all $39 million for the Container Security Initiative. His 2004 Budget slashes total total “Border and Transportation Security” by $284 million.

As the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks approaches and the Labor Day holiday nears, Michigan's borders have 27 fewer customs inspectors...The U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection told 27 of the 242 inspectors across the state not to report for work. http://www.freep.com/news/mich/home27_20030827.htm

And this August 03 news? Border Patrol has actually increased since then. There was even a special on it on the Discovery channel.

“[Minnetonka Mayor Karen] Anderson also has concerns with other sorts of public safety funding, which has been cut. She was disappointed to learn of the cutting of the Community Oriented Policing Services program (COPS) by the administration of President George W. Bush. Rikala said this has affected local police departments around the state including Minnetonka’s.” [Source: Sun Newspapers (MN) , 9/9/04]
Another Liberal misinformation. The COPS program was a failure. We had a "downtown" office paid for by COPS grants for over four years, it was three blocks from the local police station and sat empty of personnel for three years. There was a computer and desk there, nothing else. But hey, your tax dollars paid for it. COPS was a fad that even I took part in and failed. I am surprised that you failed to mention Midnight Basketball. Here we were paid overtime to play basket ball with local hoodlums late at night....babysitters! Where were their parents?

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Bryan330i said:
"The biggest threat we face now as a nation is the possibility of terrorists ending up in the middle of one of our cities with deadlier weapons than have ever before been used against us - biological agents or a nuclear weapon or a chemical weapon of some kind to be able to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans," Cheney said.

Oops, we forgot this part: "Cheney, speaking to an invitation-only crowd as he began a bus tour in Ohio, said Kerry is trying to convince voters that he would be the same type of "tough, aggressive" leader as President Bush in the fight against terrorism. "I don't believe it," the vice president said. "I don't think there's any evidence to support the proposition that he would, in fact, do it."


March 3, 2004 -- Chief Robert Wiles, Interim Police Chief for El Paso says, "we have already seen an impact as a results of federal and state government cutting back."

And more funding cuts for law enforcement could be on the way.

If President Bush's proposed 2005 budget is passed, local jurisdictions would lose a combined 1.7 billion dollars.

Police chiefs from across the nation are making house calls on Capitol Hill to protest the budget.


Also from the same article: "Here in El Paso, job cuts and programs cuts are being held off for now with the help of money confiscated in drug seizures but if the 2005 budget passes the way it was proposed, it will trickle down." In other words we can pay for it ourselves, but we want that federal money! I worked PD budgets and they are ripe with pork you know that!!

BYU News Network (Republican)

Where is it written and how do you know they are "republican", please cite your source as I am related to many LDS folks and BYU graduates and staff?

Nationwide budget cuts have affected police capabilities at the Provo Police Department where a loss of government funding has led to a number of officers maintaining several jobs, a reduction in task forces and an increase in creative policing efforts across the city.


Also from the same article: "Maybe there is a more efficient way of dealing with the burglaries at the south side of campus by using less man power, less overtime, maybe getting more proactive with the Mobile Watch and try to incorporate more citizens into it," Bolda said. "That way we're not really losing anything, we're getting more eyes and ears out there and we're not being affected that much at the loss of our budget."

"Creative policing efforts" is not a bad thing, In other words if we lose this gravy money we need to come up with some ideas to save and or cut back. Most PD budgets are inflated to the max.

In all, the police budget will shrink by about $450,000. http://www.theiowachannel.com/politics/2749359/detail.html

This article does not even mention federal funding, it is the City Council doing the budget cutting. Come on let;s at least be honest.

The budgets are shrinking and the responsibilities are increasing http://www.detnews.com/2003/nnroyaloak/0305/06/y01-155442.htm
Again here we are talking about cuts from a proposed 29 million department budget. And from the same article: "Because of the financial crunch in the city, which is attributed to a decrease in state revenue sharing and rising health care costs for current employees and retirees, we have to reduce our expenditures," Doyle said. "Eighty percent of our budget is related to labor." Can we try some honesty and quit blaming the Bush budget for every cities budget shortage?

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Here is some information on Kerry's supporter George Soros and drugs. You make the connections:

Russian Official Says Beslan Rebels Were Addicts
By C. J. CHIVERS nytimes

OSCOW, Oct. 17 - Forensic analysis of the remains of 31 militants who seized a public school in Beslan last month has determined that all of them were dependent on drugs, a senior law enforcement official said in a statement reported Sunday by Russian news agencies.

The official, Nikolai Shepel, the deputy prosecutor general of Russia's southern federal district, also said blood tests had found very high levels of heroin and morphine among a majority of the attackers who died as the siege ended, "which indicates that they were long-term drug addicts and had been using drugs permanently while preparing for the terrorist attack," according to the Interfax wire service.

"These conclusions help us look at the Beslan tragedy from a new angle," he said.

The statement was not the first of its kind here. As terror attacks have emanated in recent years from the war in Chechnya, many Russian law enforcement officials and politicians have said those who plan the attacks use hard drugs to coerce suicide bombers or to induce in the bombers a semi-alert state that assists them in fulfilling their grim assignments. Pro-separatist Web sites have dismissed the claims as Russian propaganda.

In an interview last year with the newspaper Vremya Novostei, Akhmad Kadyrov, who later became the president of Chechnya, said that suicide bombers were people "filled with various psychotropic drugs." (Mr. Kadyrov was assassinated in a bomb blast this year.)

Such claims have typically been used to explain the condition of female bombers with tactically simple missions - carrying a bomb into a crowd and depressing a button to detonate it - and not to describe experienced guerrillas, who perform more complicated and long-running tasks.

The hostage-takers in Beslan were said by survivors and Russian authorities alike to have demonstrated proficiency in several military skills, including scouting their target, swiftly rigging bombs into a network that could be detonated electrically and organizing a defense against assault. Mr. Shepel said Sunday that some of them were now believed to have been suffering from withdrawal during the siege.

Further details of Mr. Shepel's statement and of the forensic analysis behind it were not available on Sunday.

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Domestic Issues
George Soros Touts Kerry and Drug Legalization
by Don Feder
Posted Oct 1, 2004 HUMAN EVENTS

Former HHS Secretary Joseph Califano calls him the "Daddy Warbucks of drug legalization." He's "been a blemish on the face of drug policy and prevention for years," says Calvina Fay of the Drug Free America Foundation.

One of the wealthiest men in America, he's used his personal fortune (estimated at $7 billion) to fund drug legalization and pro-euthanasia campaigns.

He has compared the Bush Administration to the Third Reich. He's the piggy bank for most of the anti-Bush 527s. Like giggly cheerleaders in the presence of the star quarterback, Democrats go limp at the mention of his name.

He's George Soros, a man with a mission: to defeat George Bush and deconstruct Western society.

On October 5, Soros will begin a 12-city tour to bolster the sagging Kerry campaign. He's written a pamphlet--with the snappy title, "Why We Must Not Re-Elect President Bush"--that's being mailed to two million voters, and launched a new website, GeorgeSoros.com, where he laments: "I have been demonized by the Bush campaign."

But Soros has his fans.

Soros' Fan Club

Last month, a group of Democratic congressmen sent him a mash note straight out of junior-high study hall. ("Can we meet in the gym after school?" pant! pant!).

Congressmen Barney Frank (Mass.), George Miller (Calif.), Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), and several of their colleagues planted a big wet one on the Bambino of Bush-bashing, writing: "We admire your dedication to the ideals of an open and fair society, and we appreciate your willingness and ability to draw lessons from your considerable economic success in the private sector of how we can best proceed with public policies that promote economic growth and social equity both here and in the world." They all but ended it with You big, billionaire stud-muffin, you!

The billet-doux expressed shock at the "McCarthyite attacks made on you by some American politicians." This was a reference to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who has noted that Soros is both the principal funder of the independent anti-Bush effort and the deep pockets of drug legalization.

Lear-jet Utopian

Since Democrats are the beneficiaries of millions from this Lear-jet utopian, they have a responsibility to, at the very least, disassociate themselves from his pro-drug agenda, Speaker Hastert suggested.

This elicited the predictable cries of McCarthyism--which usually means, "you're exposing us, and we don't like it." In fact, Hastert's logic is unassailable.

Soros plays Saudi banker to the Democrats' 527 jihad, including the Big Four of Hate Bush independents--America Coming Together, Campaign for America's Future, MoveOn.org and Joint Victory Fund--ACT alone has received more than $10 million from the currency manipulator in the past two years.

Soros also has pumped tens of millions into medical fraud marijuana legalization initiatives, needle-exchange programs and think tanks promoting "decriminalization" and so-called "harm reduction" (teaching kids how to use narcotics "safely").

He's the financial angel of The Marijuana Policy Project, The Drug Policy Foundation, The Lindsmith Center, the Andean Council of Coca Leaf producers, and the Drug Policy Alliance (which has received $8.5 million from Soros since 2001). Bob Weiner, spokesman for Gen. Barry McCaffrey when he was President Clinton's Drug Czar, said of Soros' Lindsmith Center: "I'm sure Lindsmith's desire to take us into nihilism and chaos and jam our hospital emergency rooms with more users has some useful purpose."

Euthanasia Advocate

He's also the Angel of Death. In the 1990s, Soros provided $15 million as start-up capital for Project Death in America, a grant-giving group that funds campaigns for euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide.

Soros likes to say that he "puts money where his mouth is." He has no shortage of either.

Soros charges that George W. Bush "feels he was anointed by God" [after September 11] and is "leading the U.S. and the world toward a vicious cycle of escalating violence," there's hardly an issue on which he doesn't have an opinion. Generally, the Hungarian-born financier sounds like Barbra Streisand on drugs.

Here are some vintage G.S. rants:
"When I hear Bush say: 'You're either with us or against us,' it reminds me of the Germans." This is not a reference to Kant and Schopenhauer.

The comments of Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Atty.Gen. John Ashcroft on the need to fight an aggressive war on terrorism "are the views of extremists, not adherents to an open society."

Having the chutzpah to blame the U.S. and Israel for the rise of global anti-Semitism, Soros has said: "There is a resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe. The policies of the Bush Administration and the Sharon administration contribute to that."

Soros is a dyed-in-the-wool root-causer, "The war on terrorism cannot be won by waging war. Correct the grievances on which terrorism feeds"--which, one assumes, include poverty, what Soros considers Israel's beastly treatment of the poor Palestinians, racial-profiling of Muslims and the drug war.

Soros applies the same surrender logic to society's struggle against mind-altering, soul-annihilating substances: "The war on drugs is doing more harm to our society than drug abuse itself." Moreover, since "substance abuse is endemic in most societies...the war on drugs cannot be won." Then how explain the experience of the Reagan years, when anti-drug spending and prison sentences for pushers went up, and drug use declined dramatically.

Despite the euphemisms to which he is addicted ("decriminalization," "harm reduction," "medical marijuana," etc.), in his book, Soros on Soros, G.S. let the syringe out of the bag: "I'll tell you what I would do if it were up to me. I would establish a strictly controlled distribution network through which I would make most drugs, excluding the most dangerous ones like crack, legally available."
And the Democrats think this guy is the greatest thing since Michael Moore. They rush to accept his soft money. They fawn on him for his supposed "dedication to the ideals of an open and fair society." They defend him against "McCarthyite attacks."

At the same time, they doggedly refuse to take a position on his demented advocacy of extremist measures.

Does Barney Frank really believe Israel is responsible for Jews being beaten in the streets of France? Does Rahm Emanuel want to give Grandma a lethal injection? Is John Kerry in favor of legalized dope--the kind you smoke, as opposed to the kind who say they'll vote for him?

Hey, Democrats, can you say accountability?
Mr. Feder is the author of Who's Afraid of the Religious Right? (Regnery) and A Jewish Conservative Looks at Pagan America. He was a syndicated columnist for the Boston Herald from 1983-2002 and is currently a talk show host on WROL, 950 AM in Boston.



The Washington Times

Hey Bryan, just keep on commenting and posting your opinions. Diversity of opinion is a good thing, and in mainstream US politics no one's beliefs are right or wrong. In this election, it is so evenly split, it's clear that there is no right or wrong, only opinion about what is best. If the polls were showing an 80% - 20% split, one could probably argue differently.

I have never followed the unwavering "party line" philosophy. For the most part, I care only a little if the candidate is Republican or Democrat. It's more about his intentions, past voting record and/or actions that I look at. I have always voted a split ticket and suspect that I always will.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
I would much rather have this as my list of supporters:

Open letter signed by 24 Olympians and Professional Athletes:


"I have never followed the unwavering "party line" philosophy. For the most part, I care only a little if the candidate is Republican or Democrat. It's more about his intentions, past voting record and/or actions that I look at. I have always voted a split ticket and suspect that I always will." And this is true of me as well.
Oswego, IL
George Soros only wants one thing and has been wiggling his way into the UN for some time now.

King of the World
[pray] George I

John Kerry appears to only be one of the sheeple that follow Soros and would probably do anything that Soros or the UN asked of him. It's scarry to think who would be the actual president of the U.S. if Kerry is elected this fall.

The more I learn about either John Kerry or George Soros, all I can do is [V] and vote against Soros/Kerry/Edwards for president.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Bryan330i said:
Big Daddy, this debate is not worth continuing if you don’t support any of your positions. All I get are labels and excuses, and never anything to show that under the Bush administration, we are in fact a safer nation. You give nothing to show that are boarder, port, and cities are better protected.

Then you post an article from some fanatic nutcase that is legendary for twisting the truth. Or do you believe, like he does, that all-major networks and newspapers are just out to get all of you. They are not.

I think people want to know the truth.

Please, take it away, it’s your floor, show us that we are safer.

Well, the Republicans kinda want to have it both ways. They want us to believe we're under imminent threat of attack from something more than a law enforcement problem ("Bin Laden Determined To Attack USA" was the title of the report delivered to Bush's ranch a couple months before 9/11). And at the same time, they want us to believe we are safer under their leadership. They've got themselveS into a rhetorical pickle. FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR...no, with us you're SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Bryan330i said:
Big Daddy said:
Did you know that emergency services have been cut? Where are the increased port container inspections, what are we now inspecting 1 in 20 or something ridiculous?

Emergency Services have NOT been cut, the typical response from liberals. Homeland Security has been increased by 14% over last years budget, a cut from the "proposed" pork budget. My son-in-law is in the Coast Guard and they are actively inspecting port containers and ships entering the ports.

Where is the source? Nothing against your son-in-law but this falls short of demonstrating that we are protected in this area.

Here is where it tallks about Clinton failing to fund authorized pay increases and Bush increasing the budget over Clintons. http://archives.cnn.com/2000/US/06/08/coast.guard/ Here is the Coast Guards report, where the President requests more than was asked for: http://www.house.gov/transportation/cgmt/03-04-04/03-04-04memo.html And here is YOUR FOX news link where they say the budget was increased 14%. Did you read these articles or just glean what the liberals tell you from the headlines? http://http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,110891,00.html

-- Homeland Security Funding Cuts by President Bush Fail to Fund Fire Fighter and First Responder Needs http://releases.usnewswire.com/GetRelease.asp?id=27324

A no source link, most likely from the firefighters liberal union.

Here we go again, just a label, no proof, references, links, nothing???

YES, that is what I said, "NO SOURCE LINK"

February 6, 2004 - After ignoring the needs and contributions of the fire service in his State of the Union address, President Bush unveiled a budget that cuts federal assistance to first responders by $800 million. http://www.afdlocal2141.org/bush_budget_slashes_first_respon.htm

Again another pork cut. The budget was actually increased over the 04 budget.

Another label “pork cut.” How was it increased? Any source on this?

Yes, it was increased by 1.8 billion http://www.all-hands.net/pn/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1354 Yes, the one you cited, maybe you should have read it through: "The budget, covering domestic security expenses at a number of government agencies, would be a 14 percent increase from Fiscal 2004's $41.4 billion. That budget year ends Sept. 30." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,110891,00.html

According to President Bush’s 2005 Budget, first responders will see their funding cut by $805 million beginning next year. http://actforvictory.org/act.php/blog/archive/ridge_in_west_virginia

Quoted from an anti Bush web site, a great source!

Better than no source. There are hundreds of sources on the cuts yet you give nothing on increasing the security of our nation.

See the source listed above, again a 1.8 billion dollar increase. Much better than the Clinton's reduction in defense.

Firefighters Fuming Over Bush's Budget Cuts http://www.10news.com/news/2828978/detail.html

This is a cut in GRANT money, not anyone's budget.

What is the difference? You gave me a very good laugh on this one- it’s still a Bush cut.

Like I have said in other posts, grant money is usually wasted on uneeded outdated equipment. IF you have ever reviewed a cities or states grant money expenditures you would see this. I am gald you got a laugh out of it, from your previous post I thought different!

President Bush's new budget would not devote enough money to domestic security, senators said Monday, noting big cuts in funds for firefighters, police and others who would respond to a terrorist attack.

These are quotes from Feb 04, and from Joe Lieberman, a democrat who has now endorsed President Bush. Having been a police officer there has always been enough money for anything we requested. I can give examples of the waste if grant money which again this is.

No source, interesting????

Again Bryan YOUR source see the Fox news link above, or the one you posted but failed to read below!

"A stunning 30 percent cut ... for first responders http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,110891,00.html

What, no comment? No “that station must be full of liberals.”
I thought I had commented above simply by referencing YOUR links. And yes Lieberman, a democrat said these things, but has now endorsed Bush.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
Oh, I am leaving for a extended weekend on the coast in the cabin with no internet, sorry but I am done reading all these articles, I plan to relax with no interruptions. Seriously though I believ our discussions have been fun, but I am not going to sway, nor you I. Have a great weekend!
