
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
I don’t want to create too much controversy here but I structure it a bit like this.

Create an environment of enthusiastic discussion including the differences between parties, who is the better candidate, play some hot political commercials, and create a heated environment which is very easy to do.

Next use a simple questionnaire in which people answer questions like these:

What is your party affiliation?

How often do you vote “straight party”?

Are you concerned about the current nuclear waste situation?

Do you think it is safe to begin storage of waste here?


Among all of the political advertising in favor of the nuclear waste positions of Bush and Kerry, which do you find the most convincing?


The responses are not really as important as the basis for the responses. The truth is, in my opinion, both candidates are weak at best on this issue and the advertising of both is absolutely meaningless.

So the real point is to discuss the questions and see how quickly everyone realizes how little they actually know about the subject and how their opinions are founded. In addition, how effectively the advertising and political parties have worked to create strong opinions on a subject where little if any actual factual material is ever disseminated.

More often than not the tone becomes more united when everyone’s cards are on the table and we all realize how much we actually have in common outside of these political definitions.

It’s really just a very basic and broad look at how and why this political stuff works.

Probably the best commercial with the best potential for complete destruction and dissection of BS claims is one of the older Saturn commercials regarding safety and it’s underlying, almost crossing-the-line safety message.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
We have the same here on a local scale- Republican military figures parading in advertising for John Kerry. It’s such a game.

This is an interesting article:

Political Scientists Study Party Switchers

But haven’t people always gone out and formed their own opinions anyway? Granted, there may be some truth to dividing people, like the Republican “silent majority” and the rest of the not so silent.

Sure, a Republican may not want to wear a Bush T-shirt in Manhattan or on the grounds of Princeton any more than a Democrat would feel comfortable with a Kerry T-shirt at Nascar, but switching parties can actually create feelings among family? That’s a bit strange and lacking of individual respect.

I love you only if you are Republican or Democrat???? [screwy] How sick. [:(]
