The ability of both parties to take stabs at the other is indictive of the ishtty society and political corruptiveness we've created for ourselves in the US. The fact that we as Americans allow BOTH parties to act and do these things to each other, instead of talking ISSUES astounds me. If these guys went back in time 100 years ago and were talking this crap about each other, it'd be like someone slapping you in the face back then, you'd have to have a gunfight, someone has got to go!!
Calling the democratic convention a 'True Lies' convention. Classy isht.
Other then that, he gave a terrific, impowering speech, mostly bypartisian I felt. I say we get rid of politicians alltogether and let hollywood run the show.. Oh wait we already did. (doh)
BTW I'm not for either party, and if the democrats did anything at their convention like he did (slam the Republican convention, or what not, I dunno I didn't watch theirs) then I would hold them in the same contempt. Heck I already do, both partys are as corrupt as a harddrive slammed with a hammer, dropped in milk then munched on by a goat.
Our political system is in need of a overhaul before we suffer the same fate history has given to every previous single world power there has been over the times, that's fallen slave to it's own fallacies and weaknesses from inside. Our 'enemies' the world over are not our biggest enemy, we are.
'Cuse the paragraphs, I think lunch is reaching out from my fingers...