Not even 10 years ago

Some folks have come up with a urine-powered battery... That'd be cool for cars... Imagine that hoodlum's surprise when he finds out that peeing in your gas tank actually helped you out...

I don't have time to find the link now, I'll get it later. It's for little biochip medical thingies, slightly smaller than a car battery, but anywho...
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
bmwrocks said:
I remember waiting in line with my dad during the first "oil crisis" in 1973 (???not sure about the year). The price of gas was like 50 or 60 cents. Then when I got my first car in 1978, I remember the price jumping up to 1.50. Then it settled down for many years as we all know, until now......I am worried about my teenagers (15 and 18) and what the future holds for them in many respects....fuel will be unaffordable for a while as the prices soar higher and higher and then we transition for many many years to an alternate life without oil....I wonder how my kids will even afford their first house with the way real estate is these days.....It's funny how we are in this rut of life that even as things change around us, if you make/have enough cash, we continue our lives as if nothing is wrong, everything's fine........when will this economy fall apart because it can't withstand the price of oil without some serious change.
The scenario seems dismal when looking at the future from the perspective of our kids. I believe fully that the imagined and largely fabricated-for-profit oil situation has the potential to cause a dramatic economic downturn.

First, all that needs to happen is a very slight increase in mortgage defaults. This will cause panic in lenders resulting in increased lending rates which will cause a decrease in loan demand and qualification and thus a fall in demand for housing.

We are getting screwed all around when it comes to oil prices. Unfortunately, this profit for a few will cost us all in the end. The only thing I could think of doing last fall was to join them and try and keep my head above water/oil.
