I gotta Ask IT!!!!!!!!!!

Vote for one

  • Bush

    Votes: 32 76.2%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • Nader

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
MyHarley said:
Mr. E, you have too much Busch Beer on your mind............... [rofl] but President Bush will take your vote anyways.........

America has its problems as every country does............travel overseas and you'll fall in love with this country all over again...........and I dont mean a week in Aruba.
I wish Bush had ever travelled abroad before becoming president. (Five years of being texas' govenor doesn't count!) Living overseas definitely gives you a broader outlook in life, unless you're just hanging out with other ex-pat americans.

I can't vote on this poll, cuz there is no undecided option. I'm inclined to agree with Mr. E: let's let Busch finish what he started. If he wants to nation build in the sands of Iraq, let's give him another 4 years to see if he can really spread democracy to the middle east. I just pray the price isn't too high on our armed services, but Busch is the one who says he can find the weapons of mass destruction, get the pipe lines flowing to pay off the $200 billion +, snag OBL wanted dead or alive, balance the national debt while cutting richie's taxes and giving massive medicare give-aways to the baby boomers (the greatest generation of sponges in our history). Busch is the one who sat around working on star wars while "Bin Laden [was] Determined to Attack in the United States."

In my family, if you create a mess, then you have to clean it up. I don't know why Democrats are so eager to return to the white house. Four more years of this economic extremism and go-it-alone stuff will have the country screaming for moderation, and it would be hard for even the totally-clueless to buy a Republican fear campaign in 2008.
myHarley said:
America has its problems as every country does............travel overseas and you'll fall in love with this country all over again...........and I dont mean a week in Aruba.
aNoodle said:
I wish Bush had ever travelled abroad before becoming president. (Five years of being texas' govenor doesn't count!) Living overseas definitely gives you a broader outlook in life, unless you're just hanging out with other ex-pat americans.
I totally agree. The rest of the world experiences cultural/political/social diversity, most Americans don't. Not bashing America, it's just a geographic thing. In a real sense, America is a big island. Traveling and working in another country opens your eyes big time.

Bush is definitely 'sheltered' in this sense. And as former governor of Texas, a country unto itself, he didn't gain any valuable experience in this area.

I'm unhappy with Bush's narrow minded attitudes and lack of a real domestic plan, and his dismal attitude towards the environment. BUT in the past month, the more I learn about his mates I am turned off by the Kerry camp. I don't like the VP candidate's background and history of litigation. Kerry's wife is WHACKED. She came to our area, and I saw tape of her speech and read a newspaper article. The things she said showed how clueless she is, in part because of her rich, sheltered life. She touts her philanthropy, but to me it comes across as "Look at ME. Look at what I do to help those poor people." In the White House I think she will try to be as influential as Hillary Clinton. At least Hilary is lucid. Theresa is WHACKED. [screwy]
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
MyHarley said:
Do you really mean that Bryan or are you just having a bad morning? The board has weeded a lot of imbeciles, but there are still enough around....... [rofl] and I suspect some are Republicans........... [clap] [clap]

The desired direction is absolutely clear, good mood or bad it doesn’t change.

Many justified eliminations without question.

The rest, well, “muffle, muffle, muffle.”

Very effective!


Active Member
Blake2043 said:
Bush Or Kerry???? sorry but i wanna see what most bmw drivers vote!
I just cant vote for a man that cannot make a decision, Kerry has no platform, no specifics, just a whiner and complainer who flip-flops on the issues.

Essentially he sucks as leadership material !! and that includes the medals he fanagled himself into with little more than paper-cuts.

Nothing personal here, just dont like the guy !
Atlanta, GA
Ok I'm not trying to stand up for Kerry because I'm a 'democrat' or whatever, (I am not) just a human being, and I take offense at the blatant abuse of him by some of you guys, by using the same rubbish your party throws on the table:

'He flip flops issues'

Personally, I'd rather HAVE someone who had the guts/sensibility to 2nd guess himself. Who would/could be willing to change direction suddenly, if there was reason to do so. Who realizes that sometimes, a change in plan even if at a loss of face, is better in the long run.

Have you never been in a situation/decision mode, made a call, then realized later on (after more info, or time tested) that you had made a mistake, or at least that there might be a different/better way to handle a situation?

If not, blindly charge forward, politicians love those sort of people (both parties...).


Active Member
Section_8 said:
Ok I'm not trying to stand up for Kerry because I'm a 'democrat' or whatever, (I am not) just a human being, and I take offense at the blatant abuse of him by some of you guys, by using the same rubbish your party throws on the table:

'He flip flops issues'

Personally, I'd rather HAVE someone who had the guts/sensibility to 2nd guess himself. Who would/could be willing to change direction suddenly, if there was reason to do so. Who realizes that sometimes, a change in plan even if at a loss of face, is better in the long run.

Have you never been in a situation/decision mode, made a call, then realized later on (after more info, or time tested) that you had made a mistake, or at least that there might be a different/better way to handle a situation?

If not, blindly charge forward, politicians love those sort of people (both parties...).

I absolutely respect your opinion, I feel flip-flopping results from a lack of a clear direction to begin with...for Prez we need a strong decision maker who knows where he stands up front, Kerry tends to milk the issues. Not good.


Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
flashinthepan said:
I absolutely respect your opinion, I feel flip-flopping results from a lack of a clear direction to begin with...for Prez we need a strong decision maker who knows where he stands up front, Kerry tends to milk the issues. Not good.
I agree, not to mention the flip flops are not just, oops let me change my mind, they are, oops let me change my mind, oops let me change it back again, oops let me change again, etc. The worst part about him though is his 20 year lack of doing anything within the government to accomplish anything!
Atlanta, GA
(To milk the other side of things) I totally disrespect the democratic party for letting their loose gun Gore go on a vicious rampage - Bush reined in (somewhat) and disapproved of the stabs at Kerry in regards to these boat guys and their book.. Democratic party(Kerry) should do the same thing..

Either way, I think I've said it on all 3 of these political posts that have floated through recently. Flush both of them - we need a new method for running, and election of a president that doesn't rely on corporate sponsorship.

Even if you are a diehard for either of these guys.. Do you really feel your party has nominated the very best person from their entire party, to lead us?? Heck it's been said from both ends - Kerry's done nothing for 20 years in the GOV. Bush has/had nil global/international experience. Are either of these guys the people we want leading us?

I don't think the best leader for this country is in EITHER party or Nader's currently.. How can a country be so split 50/50 over 2 guys, is it the gel they use in their hair? their deodarant? Chewing gum? Are we really that 'split' on these issues they banter back and forth over? I think they'd like us all to think and feel that way.

I'm happy at least that folks are excited and want to stand up for 'something' - that beats being complacient at least (I think...).


Active Member
Section_8 said:
(To milk the other side of things) I totally disrespect the democratic party for letting their loose gun Gore go on a vicious rampage - Bush reined in (somewhat) and disapproved of the stabs at Kerry in regards to these boat guys and their book.. Democratic party(Kerry) should do the same thing..

Either way, I think I've said it on all 3 of these political posts that have floated through recently. Flush both of them - we need a new method for running, and election of a president that doesn't rely on corporate sponsorship.

Even if you are a diehard for either of these guys.. Do you really feel your party has nominated the very best person from their entire party, to lead us?? Heck it's been said from both ends - Kerry's done nothing for 20 years in the GOV. Bush has/had nil global/international experience. Are either of these guys the people we want leading us?

I don't think the best leader for this country is in EITHER party or Nader's currently.. How can a country be so split 50/50 over 2 guys, is it the gel they use in their hair? their deodarant? Chewing gum? Are we really that 'split' on these issues they banter back and forth over? I think they'd like us all to think and feel that way.

I'm happy at least that folks are excited and want to stand up for 'something' - that beats being complacient at least (I think...).
I can definately agree on many of those points.

I am voting for Bush, but not because he is perfect or even close, but because the Democrats have no real canidate or platform, the party is at a low point right now imo.

I would like to see McCain personally, but not an option.
Chicago, IL
My vote goes to Pres. Bush. He's a strong social conservative whose stance on homosexuality, abortion, and stem-cell research I personally agree with, and furthermore, feel are necessary to refrain our already fragile country from falling into a more terrifingly liberal state.

As far as economics are concerned, while I do realize that the current budget deficit does make him look like a less apt fiscal conservative, I must admit that his corporate and personal income-tax policies, in addition to his promotion of free trade (along with Alan Greenspan's economic "guardianship") are more comforting than the proposition of a Kerry administration raising taxes, curbing outsourcing, penalizing corporations with steep taxes, and appointing the next Federal Reserve Chairman--most likely in 2006. Nonetheless, as should be apparent to anyone who has taken Econ. 101 or lived through the Reagan era, a federal budget deficit is not nearly as grave as the left-biased media make it seem.

Anyone remember what happened to that supposedly unsurmountable deficit that Reaganomics was supposed to have imparted on MY generation? Oh yeah, that's right, I bought some of it (courtesy our Treasurey Department). [idea]

"Backhanding the left into submission, one activist judge at a time."


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Wallie05 said:
Anyone remember what happened to that supposedly unsurmountable deficit that Reaganomics was supposed to have imparted on MY generation? Oh yeah, that's right, I bought some of it (courtesy our Treasurey Department).
I do remember that. Bushie The First had to finally raise taxes and the childish right threw a hissy fit. I also recall Clinton in the '90s having to raise taxes to pay off the '80 big government splurg party. When will the cry-baby neo-cons stop with the 'Democrats raise taxes, we only cut them.' It's like five-year-olds on a play ground. Cut taxes, throw a big party, and pass the bill to the next generation. I beginning to think the problem is Baby Boomers, they're just a very selfish generation on both sides of the isle.
I don't think the answer lies in either party. Yall can make fun of me, because after all, I'm still only 19. I think it's time we get more than 2 parties. I think it's terrible that people like me have to choose between two parties that anger me equally. That's why I'm voting for Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party. Firstly, I agree with the majority (but not all) of the positions the party takes. Also, it's not throwing your vote away. That's what the other two major parties want you to think. When I vote Libertarian, then people take notice and might vote for them in the next election.

I'm just sick and tired of Republican and Democratic crap. People need to get over their fear and vote for what they believe in, and not settle for something they really don't want to.

Look into some other parites positions and decide what you want.
Chicago, IL
aNoodle said:
I do remember that. Bushie The First had to finally raise taxes and the childish right threw a hissy fit. I also recall Clinton in the '90s having to raise taxes to pay off the '80 big government splurg party. When will the cry-baby neo-cons stop with the 'Democrats raise taxes, we only cut them.' It's like five-year-olds on a play ground. Cut taxes, throw a big party, and pass the bill to the next generation. I beginning to think the problem is Baby Boomers, they're just a very selfish generation on both sides of the isle.

Nope. That's not what I meant when thanking the Treasurey department. I was referring to fixed-income securities, or bonds to the layperson--taxable ones at that (munis don't count)!! Thank's to Bush for lowing the capital gains tax though; now I only have to pay 15% on my 10 and 30 year gov. notes instead of the obscene near-50% is was prior.

Four more years, please....

And keep your babies at home. [wiggle]
