Howard Dean rules!

I was told that Gore volunteered for enlistment in the U.S. Army and served in Vietnam.
Unlike his preppy images, he is said to be very energetic and dynamic. I don't think
he would have pissed his pants. Rather, I would say, he might have handled Afgan, Iraq, and North Korea much better than the current president. And our economy is very sluggish and unemloyment rate is still increasing, what would you say? I just hope a new leader will come out and heal our situations - "Bush" no more.

Dave8812 said:
Bush may not be the best President but imagine if Gore would have won. That would have been a disaster. He wouldent have done anything in Afgan. or Iraq. And when he found out that they had bio weapons, he would have pissed his pants and went in hideing. Then the whole country would have been screwed.


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
BMWlover said:
I was told that Gore volunteered for enlistment in the U.S. Army and served in Vietnam.
Unlike his preppy images, he is said to be very energetic and dynamic. I don't think
he would have pissed his pants. Rather, I would say, he might have handled Afgan, Iraq, and North Korea much better than the current president. And our economy is very sluggish and unemloyment rate is still increasing, what would you say? I just hope a new leader will come out and heal our situations - "Bush" no more.
Warning: If you are going to flame what I am saying, go outside and spray yourself in the face with a garden hose.

Exactly. I dont understand how any educated human being can still be ignorant enough to realize that the economy SUCKS, and it is becuase of our current elected government.

There was NO reason to go to Iraq. They lied about the weapons that iraq MIGHT have had.

I do not associate myself with either party (though I will register as democrat) and do not understand how a president can lie about his own PERSONAL life and be impeached (Bill Clinton), but a president can lie to go to WAR, putting so many in danger -- and not even get much media attention!! [?|] PLEASE understand that I am not pro bush, anti-bush, or an extreme ass like some people -- like i've said I do not want to look ignorant like some of the extremists.

Am i the ONLY one who realized this [confused]

And the economy is a totally different story:

I sure as hell hope we have someone who will worry about getting HIS country back in shape, not bombing another one -- one that the UN did not even want to be involved with.

Yea dont flame me, becuase thats not why i posted.


Active Member
I think when it all comes down to it, we really just want the same things.


Seriously, A good economy, peace and prosperity,....if you really think about it we have a good life in America & I personally respect the viewpoints of the Dem's and the GOP..most often there are the same exact goals just a different means to achieve them.

War for instance is never the favorite thing, however, oddly enough it can take War to obtain peace...A strong U.S. military presence helped Russia understand the road to peace. My 17 yr old daughter is just begginning to learn this concept <sigh>....unfortunately you cannot just wish the bad guys would go away, history has proven repeatedly..the evil must be taken out..Remember A. Hitler ?



Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
flashinthepan said:
I think when it all comes down to it, we really just want the same things.


Seriously, A good economy, peace and prosperity,....if you really think about it we have a good life in America & I personally respect the viewpoints of the Dem's and the GOP..most often there are the same exact goals just a different means to achieve them.

War for instance is never the favorite thing, however, oddly enough it can take War to obtain peace...A strong U.S. military presence helped Russia understand the road to peace. My 17 yr old daughter is just begginning to learn this concept <sigh>....unfortunately you cannot just wish the bad guys would go away, history has proven repeatedly..the evil must be taken out..Remember A. Hitler ?

Thankyou SO much for being respectful and not flaming what I said (that is -- if you read what i said [:p]) [:)] [:)] I am 17 (almost 18, so I will be voting next november 2004), but I have always been (semi) interested in the government and what they were doing.

I do respect the opinions/views of republicans too -- except the ones who state false or outragious statements (ie our economy is better than clintons[?|])

But yea, thankyou for not trying to flame like so many other people do.

now back to talking about bmw's [:)] [^]


Active Member

We are a strong country because of differing opinions, that in and of itself is the coolest thing to think about !! and of course the right to disagree with our Government.

Plus you had the coolest chick pic !![thumb]
crupdawg said:
bush did an excellent job routing the taliban out of afghanistan, and i don't know how anyone can say that we would be better off if saddam houssein was still in power. he was one of the most evil men in the world, as were his sons, and theres no question that given the opportunity he would have attacked the U.S. i just get pissed off when people say the election was rigged (MidWestThom), because thats how elections work, according to the rules set by the founding fathers of this great nation. anyone who still contends (seriously) that bush stole the election obviously does not have one intellectual bone in his or her body.
Ooooh, ok "crupdawg," Mr. Politics if that's your eloquent rebuttal i'll take a shot at it.

We subsequently lost the war in Afghanistan when we failed to capture/eliminate Bin Laden, for starters. Our Government was quite generous to that same regime when they were just another buffer fighting a war against the USSR. SADDAM HUSSEIN may infact be a miserable son of a bitch, so it's no surprise then we were ever too willing to provide the "Butcher of Baghdad" who "gassed his own people" with the chemical "Weapons of Mass Destruction," he's used as we're so adamant about pointing out, only years prior to the Gulf War. But that's ok, he's evil now, not that the US gives a shit about the Kurds or any humanitarian effort in the Middle-East whatsoever. But enough about Bush's complete unability to manage foreign policy or how he's managing to destabalize the better part of a continent.

When did disenfranchising black people become an essential part of the American electoral process genius? Are elections supposed to allow party influence in a state to decide whose votes deserve to be counted and whose don't? I guess that's just the way things were intended to work huh? What do you know about the "founding fathers of this great nation" if you don't even understand the most basic principles of democracy? I'm sure you would be singing a different tune if they had decided your vote didn't count anymore. Actually I take that back, I wouldn't be surprised if you don't even vote, you sound like that type. I mean, a rigged election in a state run by Bush's brother and his appointed electoral staff peons? Naaw, couldn't be. Fool. You think you're some intellectual because you turn on FOX news to absorb the garbage they spew out every now and then? Quite typical. Let's see you contend that the election wasn't bullshit if you're such a learned highbrow scholar. Have fun getting by with no concept of anything.

I'm really done with talking, but if you have the balls feel free to aim me at: atarinerdfreak, i'm on most of the night and have no problem ripping apart more of your conservative rhetoric dribble.[rolleyes]

And btw, if I were unoriginal I would just call him a [Censored][Censored][Censored][Censored]ing fascist and be done with it.
Lansing, Michigan
C'mon people let's have peace on BMWBOARD, whoops I said peace, must be a Bush hater.[hihi] No, seriously let's not get personal here, hell it's free country, oh there I go again saying 'free', man I must be a Bush hater.[fake]
i thought this was supposed to be a friendly discussion, and then all of sudden MidWestThom got all agitated over something. lets all just take a breather here, fellas
no, dont close it, i just think we should all act in a mature manner when discussing politics. i didnt appreciate MidWestThom calling me out like that, implying that im an idiot, and implying that he is a forgone expert on politics. but we can get past people like that and i think we can have a very intelligent conversation


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
crupdawg said:
no, dont close it, i just think we should all act in a mature manner when discussing politics. i didnt appreciate MidWestThom calling me out like that, implying that im an idiot, and implying that he is a forgone expert on politics. but we can get past people like that and i think we can have a very intelligent conversation
He used bigger words than you [:p] [fake]

But yea, I will stay out of it unless someone starts claiming george bush is the best president ever (like SO many people out where i live [rolleyes] [rolleyes] [?|] )

I do agree with him on most of the stuff he said, but I would've been a little more...subtle about it...
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I agree with crupdawg. I didnt' expect the thread to progress this way. We can have discussions in a mature manner. I think the power of US comes from its diverse ideas and thoughts of different people no matter what skin colors are, no matter what genders are, and no matter what ages are. This diversity can have strong synergy effects. Yes, let these synergy effects prevail here.

crupdawg said:
no, dont close it, i just think we should all act in a mature manner when discussing politics. i didnt appreciate MidWestThom calling me out like that, implying that im an idiot, and implying that he is a forgone expert on politics. but we can get past people like that and i think we can have a very intelligent conversation
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You say I don't have an intellectual bone in my body, then all of a sudden I'm the one chewing you out? Why don't you take the time to learn a thing or two before you try to show off your political insight, or are you just "holding back" from voicing your omnipotent opinion on why I'm so wrong.

Don't bother trying to have an "intelligent" conversation when you don't know what the hell you're talking about to begin with.
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I'm quite calm on this side of the Mississippi friend, just as I was when I called Shrub an election rigging coke head. If you've got something to say to the contrary, go ahead, discuss it, don't just sit there and call me a vindictive gung-ho liberal because what I said is true. If you opt for the latter, then you're an ignorant hypocrite.

So go ahead, prove me wrong.[wave]

epj3 I didn't use any big words, THESE WOULD BE A BETTER EXAMPLE OF BIG WORDS , right? [confused]


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
MidWestThom said:
I'm quite calm on this side of the Mississippi friend, just as I was when I called Shrub an election rigging coke head. If you've got something to say to the contrary, go ahead, discuss it, don't just sit there and call me a vindictive gung-ho liberal because what I said is true. If you opt for the latter, then you're an ignorant hypocrite.

So go ahead, prove me wrong.[wave]

epj3 I didn't use any big words, THESE WOULD BE A BETTER EXAMPLE OF BIG WORDS , right? [confused]
umm....i was just kidding (hence the smilies)
oh, and Thommy, you never answered my question about the disenfranchisement of african americans. i guess you were too blinded by rage to think about that, so im just reminding you
