How do you deal with a** h*** drivers?

Wayzata, MN
in MN our ex pro wrestling ex governer tried to pass a "left lane bandit" law. i think it would've made it so if you were holding up traffic in the left lane, it would be a moving violation. kind of funny. most people are pretty good about it here, if they are just cruising they'll sit in the right lane, and if you need to haul ass you can jump in the left lane and do your thing.

me? i just go with the flow and check my mirrors to see if i should be in the left lane, and if you are holding the road up in front of me and i really need to move (left lane only, i never mess with right lane people, they are just driving) then i'll get a little closer than usually and cut out hard then back in hard once or twice. nothing too drastic, just a little hello [wiggle]
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
ozmonster said:
Yes you were. You and the guy next to you were working together to create a speed block. One of you should have had enough sense to break it up. We have enough problems with traffic congestion and don't need any more clueless drivers.

Huh? Are you fcuking kidding me? Either you haven't lived in CA long or you've had your head up your a$$ the whole time. We call it the fast lane for a reason. If you are driving in the fast lane and there are cars behind you and no cars ahead of you, get the fcuk over. You are not as guilty in this as the a$$hole in the fast lane but you are partially to blame for creating a speed block. Just speed up and let the guy pass.

I'm probably the a$$hole that you refer to in this thread but I would not be on your bumper, I would be on bumper of the guy in the fast lane. I'd probably give him my brights as well.

Just my take.

So, please tell me, how can you have a fast lane with all lanes filled with cars that are barely moving? Have you ever been to southern California, Boston, DC? If so I think you would understand the lack of a "fast lane."
Houston, Texas
Houston take on things................

right lane is for the speed limit or under speed limit
left lane is for over the speed limit

We may be in bumper to bumper traffic at times (mostly rush hours of the day), but when a break in traffic happens, move over from the left lane if you're planning on going the speed limit, because they'll run over you.........also rule of thumb, it doesnt matter if you are going 90 mph in the left lane, if someone comes up behind you, move over to the right, you're not the fastest anymore.....and its not our job to judge how fast he should not be going....[rofl] [rofl] .....move over


Active Member
I say this with a smile [:)] ...everybody has their points here.

The roads could be better with more considerate and organized drivers. The driver in the fast lane should always move in to the right, regardless of speed, if someone comes up from behind and wants to pass. Many drivers prefer to drive in the fast lane and stay put at the speed limit, thinking since they are doing the speed limit, they belong there! They need to be educated. As mentioned by someone, we are not to judge what the speed limit is or how fast who is driving on which lane. What we need to know is: There is a fast lane, and there is a slow lane. And there is common sense and courtesy for everybody's safety.

I can't blame Coyotefreek either, like he said, under different circumstances he might have been a gentleman. If I was him, I would probably have cursed and thought what the f*ck is this moron doing behind me when he should be behind the moron in the fast lane!

I used to mess around with as*holes like those, speeding up or stepping on my brakes, showing the finger, etc. I still do, at times when I'm caught in a really bad mood. But I learnt that it is best not to start trouble. One of these days, when you are not so lucky and mess with the wrong guy...he pulls out a gun and you would have shown your finger for the last time in your life!

Life is too precious, especially if you have a is your BMW!!! [:)]

As BMW drivers, we should lead by example and be a level higher than those who don't know better. Afterall, it takes an ultimate driver to drive the ultimate driving machine...[driving]
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Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
Your drawings had me laughing, but like today, when some asshole in a jeep was tailing me (after i passed them -- after they pulled out in front of me in snow) i would speed up, so when i would drive over the slush, it would throw it up on their car [rofl]
Hmm. Today I was the guy in the BMW (well, not as bad). I came up behind two slower cars on a two lane road. The guy on the right started to pull ahead of the woman in the mini-van (official vehicle of the Anti-Destination League) on the left, so I got behind him thinking I'd wait till he cleared the van and then slide back over. IMO, I was NOT tailgating him, but some folks feel if you don't keep a tractor-trailer's length between cars, you're tailgating. Anyway, he starts giving me brake jobs and waving his fist in the mirror. So I back off even more. Then he starts to slow down. [rolleyes] Finally his slowing allowed the woman in the mini-van to pull ahead and I was able to get by him.

But here again, there was only these two people driving side by side. No one else in front of them, yet they effectively teamed up to slow the progress of all the traffic behind them. I'll never understand why people can't grasp the concept of a multi-lane road. [confused] [rolleyes]
Central, CA
If this was on a street with signal lights and cross traffic, I would not consider the right lane the passing lane (on a freeway it should be used only for passing, regardless of your speed). That said, your situation is tough one. Clearly the car behind you was looking for a break to get past you and the car next to you (we've all be there before), but that's really no excuse for following to closely. Maybe the reason he didn't pass was that he had to make a right turn soon, but again, no excuse for following to close.

Someday I'm going to rig a box to the bottom of my bumper that on demand I release and drop a handfull of jacks. That'll get the idiot to back off.
While reading this thread I got an idea. How many of you get behind the guy in the left lane while there is a speed block and try to make them go faster? My guess is almost if not everyone and that it rarely works, right? Now if you get into the right lane, tailgate the dude in that lane and make him brake hard to show you that you are an a**hole, you'll have enough space to pass both of them just like what happened to M_Six but he didn't do it on purpose. Get my drift? Maybe there are more left lane blocking drivers that will create a speed block in that situation than right lane drivers that will create a speed block in that situation. On the other hand, I don't even want to get involved in this because it may soon turn into a huge flame war.
Atlanta, GA
MyHarley said:
Houston take on things................

right lane is for the speed limit or under speed limit
left lane is for over the speed limit

We may be in bumper to bumper traffic at times (mostly rush hours of the day), but when a break in traffic happens, move over from the left lane if you're planning on going the speed limit, because they'll run over you.........also rule of thumb, it doesnt matter if you are going 90 mph in the left lane, if someone comes up behind you, move over to the right, you're not the fastest anymore.....and its not our job to judge how fast he should not be going....[rofl] [rofl] .....move over
Sounds like Atlanta. One of my good buds here is from Houston originally, he'd always tell me traffic here was Houston par - but with hills added in. [rolleyes]
