How do you deal with a** h*** drivers?

Yorba Linda, CA
Today I was heading home and a BMW 6 came up behind me (this story has nothing to do with BMW it just happened to be a BMW). This BMW was driving literally 6 inches away from my bumper, something I wont tolerate. I stepped on the brake, slowed from 60 to 20 before the guy finally got out of my lane. Then I floored it, the guy looked so pissed off. Then he came up along side me and glared at me, I glared at him and gave him the finger. I could not believe how long this guy pursued this, I was going 20 miles per hour for almost a quarter mile before he finally moved over.

How do you all deal with those kind of jerks (assuming you yourself aren’t one)? I only gave him the finger because he wouldn’t give up then glared at me when he was the one I should be glaring at.
Yorba Linda, CA
It was a two lane road and I was in the right lane. There was one other car in the left lane that was going the same speed as me which prevented the BMW from just getting in front of me or the other guy.

Here is my quick sketch in paint



1000 Post Club
Colorado Springs
I prefer the lane block method on a 2 lane road, slow to the speed of the car in the other lane....they are unable to pass. Be advised, will get you shot in California.[:p]
Yorba Linda, CA
carcus said:
I prefer the lane block method on a 2 lane road, slow to the speed of the car in the other lane....they are unable to pass. Be advised, will get you shot in California.[:p]
Look at the illustration, that is exactualy what happend. Me and the guy next to me were going the same speed blocking the BMW from passing but then the BMW got on my tail and thats when I slowed down till the BMW moved into the next lane. Then I floored it.
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1000 Post Club
Colorado Springs
I just use the moving block as long as I can, I do not do it often, but works pretty well. Works real well with Honda drivers...if you can handle the fart pipe that long wound out.[fake]
S.E. CT.
Hitting brake lights is nice, try using your washer spray! I don't unless car is dirty, I hate to get windows wet.
Glad to hear you weren't blocking passing lane, I hate those guys, very inconsiderate,"unprofessional".
Northern VA
I usually just ignore them but if I'm with a friend, we mess around with them. Once I was on my way home and it was about 12:30 A.M., only me and another car on the road. It's a two lane road and the other car is behind me. So I'm in the right lane, minding my own business, doing the normal 10 miles over the limit thing (it was a 50 zone) then some asshole in a Honda civic starts tailgating me for absolutely no reason, instead of just passing. Then we started messing around with the driver. First I slowed down to about 30mph, which really pissed him off. Then, I see his blinker turn on when he tries to pass me and I just floor it. I guess he then thought I changed my mind and got back behind me, after which I slowed down to 30 again. Once again, the asshole tries to pass me and this time we went all the way up to 90. In the end he gave up and drove behind me going 30 the entire way home... I know it was completely illegal but damn it was fun.
Houston, Texas
May I ask a question........

If there is a two lane road and both cars are even and this goes on for a while, dont you think it is more considerate since the other driver is oblivious to the situation or just a passive aggressive behavior type, we would speed up to let the other driver pass instead of having two "pace cars" blocking the road and causing erratic driving behavior or more road rage than there already is? Just a thought.......
Charleston, SC
im with lisha, you, as in "me square" should have pulled in front of "empty square" and slammed on brakes. Thats the f*cker that needs to wake up and smell the bmw!!

[;)] ...jackass
Charleston, SC
to tell you the truth, i could have been in either (3) of those postions and had acted the same..... i dont know how i could have properly acted in respect to them, than the way anyone would have in any of those situations..... i think its just something one has to respect in this f*cked up society where some care and some dont.

thats what sets us "drivers" apart from others, that we are aware of our surroundings while driving, which gives us the upper hand in certain, if not all, situations.
In that situation the driver in the left lane was the one being an a**h*le. The 6 should have been tailgating him, not you. That said, I hate it when someone drives beside me on a two-lane road. It's dangerous and inconsiderate. If I'm in the right lane and some bozo pulls up beside me in the left lane and then matches my speed, I'll sprint for a bit to open a gap. If he does it again, I get in front of him and leave the right lane open.

Out here in central ILL(ness), the norm is for people to drive beside each other. They believe the left lane is for lefties and the right lane is for righties. They haven't got a clue why there's more than one lane on a given road. And more often than not, they get downright steamed when you pass. I've had bozos that I passed hit their high-beams and then speed up to tailgate me, just because I had the nerve to pass them. Morons.

I've lived in Boston, Houston, NYC, Germany, Korea, and a half dozen other places and the most inconsiderate drivers I've ever run across are right here in Illinois. Off the highway they normally drive 5 to 10 MPH under the posted speed limit and get so pissed when you pass them. The other day a redneck jackass in a p/u with straight pipes pulled the old speed-up stunt on me. As I blasted by him he tried to race me, but his idiotic straight pipe setup caused his engine to sputter and misfire. Not that he had a prayer of keeping up with me anyway. [driving]
Yorba Linda, CA
Me and the guy next to me were going 60 on a 40 street so in all fairness the guy in the left lane was doing nothing wrong. You may not be to familar with Ca but we dont consider the left lane to be a passing lane, it is just another lane. We had both left a light at the same time so that is why we were both right next to each other.

Normaly I would have just sped up and let the BMW through but when he got within inches from my bumper that is not a good way to get my kindness. And it wasnt like the BMW was following us for a while, he had just turned onto the street and chose to be in my lane. And he didnt back down until I was going 30 for a quarter mile before he got out of my lane. I truley think he thought he was doing nothing wrong and I am just some stranger being a jerk.

The BMW was in my lane vs the left lane because he wanted to pass up the guy in the left lane. I guess he didnt realise that when 2 cars are going the same speed its hard to pass one of them. That is why I think he got on my tail, trying to push me faster so that he could get in front of the other driver in the left lane.
Well, I wasn't there so I obviously shouldn't be passing judgment. My error. [:I]

But here we have a long street that has numerous traffic lights and the speed limit increases as you get out of town. It goes from 35 to 40 to 45 to 55. Many times people will still be doing 35 in the 55 zone. Drives me nuts, especially when they're driving beside each other. The things is, if you do the speed limit or 5 MPH above, you can usually catch all the greens. But if you crawl, you'll catch every red. And that is what usually happens because so many people crawl from one light to the next. [confused] I think some people hate their home lives and want to delay getting there as long as possible. [hihi]

There is a parallel road about two miles east that is basically just an open farm road. It only has the occassional stop sign for crossroads. If it's still light when I leave work, I go that way because there's usually no traffic and the road runs right down the middle of wide open fields. No place for cops to hide and no worries about something jumping out from behind a bush or whatever. Yesterday I touched 100MPH for a bit on that road and averaged around 85-90. It comes out at the same point as the main road, but I can usually shave 10 minutes off the trip by taking the farm road. Plus it's way more fun. But at night, that road is pitch dark. Not at all safe for high speeds. I can't imagine what damage a deer would do at 100MPH. [:0]
Lincoln, CA
The guy shoulda been tailgaiting the left lane guy. Left lane is the fast lane. But, if you're already going 20 over, what the hell is his rush? If he was tailgating the wrong guy, I woulda done the exact same thing. Cept I would just lane block as long as possible and pretend not to notice him. That and go a bit slower or faster now and then to tease him into thinking an opening is gonna happen.

If he tailed the left lane guy, i prolly woulda just let him pass.


New Member
coyotefreek said:
Me and the guy next to me were going 60 on a 40 street so in all fairness the guy in the left lane was doing nothing wrong.
Yes you were. You and the guy next to you were working together to create a speed block. One of you should have had enough sense to break it up. We have enough problems with traffic congestion and don't need any more clueless drivers.

coyotefreek said:
You may not be to familar with Ca but we dont consider the left lane to be a passing lane, it is just another lane.
Huh? Are you fcuking kidding me? Either you haven't lived in CA long or you've had your head up your a$$ the whole time. We call it the fast lane for a reason. If you are driving in the fast lane and there are cars behind you and no cars ahead of you, get the fcuk over. You are not as guilty in this as the a$$hole in the fast lane but you are partially to blame for creating a speed block. Just speed up and let the guy pass.

I'm probably the a$$hole that you refer to in this thread but I would not be on your bumper, I would be on bumper of the guy in the fast lane. I'd probably give him my brights as well.

Just my take.

Yorba Linda, CA
While the left lane is a fast lane, the car was already going 20 over. Yes the guy in the left lane should have moved over, but the BMW was never in his lane so it wasnt like he was holding anyone up. Yes maby the speed block should have been broken up but we werent blocking anyone until that BMW came.

The left lane is never used as a passing lane, yes it is considered the fast lane but rarely is it any faster. Usualy there is so much traffic people are just trying to move.
