normally I dont go into the OT but, wow, im going to have to put my 2 cents in for this one.
Our family is pretty pro gun, my dad teaches safety courses and its funny how many people are so ignorent on this issue.
I agree that people should be able to buy guns, with restrictions. A couple BIG issues that have come up here is the thing about "assault" weapons, how anyone can get them now. You know what? Its not a big deal at all.
FIRST clear up that the word "assault" does not mean FULL OUT, for example, you CANNOT buy a gun (without TONS of paperwork, permits, background checks, and TONS of other crap, not to mention $$,) that when you press the trigger down once it unloads the whole magezine of rounds.
The gun you CAN buy (18+ older) are the semi-autos, where one trigger pull shoots 1 round. Assault weapons are no more deadly than any other gun. I cant think of all the classifcations offhand but here are a couple charecteristic of an assault weapon,
Pistol grip, this is what it sounds like, a pistol like handle that goes down from the stock of the gun, does this mean you can kill someone more quickly? no, does this mean your rounds are going to be 2x as deadly? no, it dosnt do jack shit.
Collapseablel (sp?) stock, this mean thats the stock or usually wooden part that goes against the shoulder can collapse down.
Scope, you all should know what that is
Thats all I can think of now, but you dont understand how many arguments I get in with people who complain about the ban being liftet but they dont even know what it means.
They see the word "assault" and think its somehow evil
This is what my dad says which makes a load of sense on most of these gun laws. They are generally stupid, because, unlike car laws that generally make sense, gun laws dont. EVERY supream court person, judges, lawyers, and everyone drives. They all know how it works, they are not scared of driving because they understand it. But how many of them do you think go to the range and pop off a couple rounds? They are ignorent the situation. The laws they come up with are ment for good use but I mean, its just BS. It only hurts the legit user. Although there are the ones that make sens (registing and what not). Then he goes on to say, what do you think would happen if he went to design an operating room for a hospital? He dosnt know jack about that, so obviously its going to be ****ed up and not work.
Also, gun carry, this I am mixed on. It is our RIGHT to be able to carry a gun. BUT on the other hand you dont want some ignorent person carrying a gun that probably has never shot one. I Think before you get a permit you should have to take a class on safety and all that jazz. I mean, you dont just hand drivers licesnes out to everyone that wants one right? You have to take a class on it to understand it.
Again, if I wanted to go buy a gun, and pop someone in the head I was mad at, do you REALLY think im going to be worried if its legal for me to carry a gun without a permit?
And people that say, well a legit person dosnt need to carry a gun. Well you know what? It dosnt matter, its our right to, and IF we could get ALL OF THE GUNS out of the US, that would be great if no one had one, but you know what? They ALWAYS will be guns in the US, There ALWAYS will be crime.
I think of my friend who was pushing that "we dont need it" well, you can say that about anything, yes if you carry a gun you will be more prone to pop someone whos maybe trying to kill you? rape you? whatever it may be. But you know what, if you have a super charger in your car your going to be more prone to drive faster? send 3,000 pounds of metal a little faster into someone elses car? You can argue this all the time its just where do you want to draw the line?
IMHO You CANNOT say guns are bad if you have never even seen one, if you never have shot one, you dont even know what your talking about.
I could go on for another couple pages but im sick of typing lol
happy days