Election determines fate of nation


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Kirby said:
Agreed. As I said I don't agree with alot of what Bush has done, and the abuse is ridiculous. I respect the election concept of "Voting for Change" but it has three possible outcomes - Better, Same, Worse. My opinion is that Kerry will be the same or worse, just different from Bush in execution.
I hear ya dude. It's a close call. But Kerry has good credentials.

Bush promised me a tax cut but all we got is cuts for the richest of richies and big corporations, while Bush exploded the deficit with pork barrel crap. I just can't vote for a man who sends mechanized troops into the sands of Iraq to be policeman/foot soldiers without body armour looking for aluminum tubes and mobile weapons labs that DON'T EXIST. He makes us all look like fools.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
This has gotten crazy. aNoodle says that Kerry has credentials, what are they? 20 years as a Senator with no record? And Bush cut the tax for the rich, the facts do not bear this out! Consider Washington state, where I l live. Democrats have been in control for years, yet we have to fight with Oregon (another democrat state) for the highest unemployment in the country, Gov. Locke gives the rich tax cuts, like Boeing, sales taxes are sky high 9% in some cities and just this week 7 King County Commissioners voted in favor of a land grab. Now residents in rural king county must by law set aside a percentage (not sure what it is, but it is high) of their acreage in its natural state. They vote for this after being told by the Counties legal team that they would lose it in a court battle. Oh yes, the seven commissioners in favor...all democrat! The remaining six, republicans voted against it. Not to mention the people were opposed to it!

Bush is the only President to have to deal with an incident in this country like 9/11. It took a major toll on life, property, business, which all relate to the economy. Massive insurance payouts, businesses fold, etc. yet the economy is doing well and recovering. He said the war on terror was going to be long and difficult and we should have the resolve to stay the course, yet with the lies being told, "memogate", missing explosives, and more he remains as high as he is in the polls! What if the lies had not been told and only the truth were told? Lets give the man a break and quit bantering back and forth. Let americans decide by simply voting. Can you believe that the DNC has lawyers already filing motions and suits over votes that are not being accepted because the applicant failed to check the "I am a citizen of the US" box? Duh, maybe they are not citizens and that is why they did not check the box? This is absurd. Thanks to ACORN and NAACP Ohio and other states now have more registered voters than residents! What are we becoming?

Sorry about the long diatribe, but I for one am sick of the BS and the media and media elite acting like with out them I could not think for myself. Now I will remain silent on the issue, and I did not post links as everything I said is in my OPINION true!
Houston, Texas
Hey Big Daddy I like the new signature. When I was in Odessa a couple of weeks for a trade show, many people were wearing t-shirts with that slogan, matter of fact they were all women, I laughed and laughed.

I'm not citing any sources from articles or news events, besides it is clear on this board without a college education, I am not educated enough to make a clear decision on voting. But you know what, I'll take my uneducated ARSE to the polls and vote for Bush and then laugh all the way to the bank with my measly $100,000+ job, thank God I didnt become too educated for my own good. wiggle]
Oswego, IL
Big Daddy said:
Bush is the only President to have to deal with an incident in this country like 9/11. It took a major toll on life, property, business, which all relate to the economy. ....
Not to mention, when did the economy start to dwindle to begin with? This started happening while Clinton was still in office. I personally think that Clinton had more to do with the economic problems with this country by letting the market get completly out of control - then 9/11 happened which just put another nail in the coffin. I'm not sure what he was doing at the time that he didn't relize this --- maybe he was just to busy relating to interns?


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Big Daddy said:
This has gotten crazy. aNoodle says that Kerry has credentials, what are they? 20 years as a Senator with no record?
LOL. Nice rhetoric, BigD.

I'm no expert on senate history, but I know Kerry and McCain worked selflessly to close the chapter on our missing Vietnam vets. It was hard work, took years of staying the course. This is not like being a face man for a baseball team. These guys faught hard for our country as young men, I don't think people appreciate what hard work that is. It may not play well in sound bites, like mission accomplished, wanted dead or alive, or you're with us or against us. Kerry and McCain, without much fanfair, worked hard for our country not only during the war but after they got out of combat. They went on to help devistated families come to grips with thier missing loved ones. It's easy to play politics and erase a man's work. But Kerry and McCain worked hard as both soldiers of war as well as vietnam veterans and sentors. They have earned our nations respect.

I'm voting for John Kerry who will restore strength to the white house and respect for America abroad.
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Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
MyHarley said:
Hey Big Daddy I like the new signature. When I was in Odessa a couple of weeks for a trade show, many people were wearing t-shirts with that slogan, matter of fact they were all women, I laughed and laughed.

I'm not citing any sources from articles or news events, besides it is clear on this board without a college education, I am not educated enough to make a clear decision on voting. But you know what, I'll take my uneducated ARSE to the polls and vote for Bush and then laugh all the way to the bank with my measly $100,000+ job, thank God I didnt become too educated for my own good. wiggle]

My wife has a Masters Degree in Math, with a 4.0 GPA and she is voting for Bush! My father has a four year degree, 27 years in the Navy as a Weapons Expert, served in three wars, went from a sailor to a Lt. prior to his college, has a Navy Commendation medal and he is voting for Bush. My mother served many years as a mother (a fine one at that) and she is voting for Bush. My brother, the State Trooper and former Air Force Vetern, with a degree in electronics, is voting for Bush. His wife a mother, and Commiunications Supervisor for Whitcom, a 911 center is voting for Bush. My undereducated brother, Vice-President West Coast Central Transportation, is voting for Bush. I could go on, but it seems that all kinds are voting for Bush and degrees do not matter!

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
I resent that remark. "I don't think people appreciate what hard work that is" considering my father's record! He served in the Korean War, WWII, and two COMPLETE tours in Vietnam! Not to mention Mcain has endorsed Bush, I guess he is not all that impressed with Kerry either. You sir are out of line and I am done responding to you!

And as my father and research show, Kerry was a hinderance to the POW/MIA move. So much for 20 years! POW/MIA
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1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Big Daddy said:
I resent that remark. "I don't think people appreciate what hard work that is" considering my father's record! He served in the Korean War, WWII, and two COMPLETE tours in Vietnam! Not to mention Mcain has endorsed Bush, I guess he is not all that impressed with Kerry either. You sir are out of line and I am done responding to you!
My grandfather was a career naval officer. My father is a navy vietnam veteran. His brother, and my uncle, went to Annapolis. I'm glad, BigD, your family shares my family's commitment of service to this nation and is not amoung the people who do not appreciate what hard work that is. It's easy in politics to smear a man's record, much harder to walk into combat for your nation. McCain may be a Republican and support his party's candidate, but I would never in a million years take away from the respect he has earned.

I would never say a veratan of combat, like Kerry's service to this nation, has 'no credentials.' I would never even consider saying two senators, like Kerry and McCain, who worked tirelessly on Vietnam M.I.A.s have "no record."
Oswego, IL
aNoodle said:

Kerry and McCain, without much fanfair, worked hard for our country not only during the war but after they got out of combat. They went on to help devistated families come to grips with thier missing loved ones. It's easy to play politics and erase a man's work. But Kerry and McCain worked hard as both soldiers of war as well as vietnam veterans and sentors. They have earned our nations respect.

More like working hard for the enemy rather than for the country.



1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
gizzy said:
More like working hard for the enemy rather than for the country.

This was not like Nixon telling the North Vietnamese to not strike a deal with Johnson until after the election.

I gather Gizzy you accord no man who wears our nation's uniforms any respect. Kerry put that uniform on and went into combat for this county. That is respect not demanded, but earned through blood. To question his allegence is to disparage all veterans who risk life and limb for our nation's liberty.

Draft dodging Bush and Cheney know no shame when it comes to smearing a combat veteran's service.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Big Daddy said:
I resent that remark. "I don't think people appreciate what hard work that is" considering my father's record! He served in the Korean War, WWII, and two COMPLETE tours in Vietnam! Not to mention Mcain has endorsed Bush, I guess he is not all that impressed with Kerry either. You sir are out of line and I am done responding to you!

And as my father and research show, Kerry was a hinderance to the POW/MIA move. So much for 20 years! POW/MIA
You said you were done BigD....LOL....but you've twice edited your response. Since you're only beefing up on more disrespect for our combat veterans, now I am at a loss for words.

I will never allow partisan politics to sway me into believing it is right to disrespect men who put on our nation's uniforms and wnet into combat to protect our freedom. It's too easy for some to play politics with this, avoid service, and cast political stones at those who have walked the tough walk and done the hard work.

I support John Kerry for President. He is a man who doesn't demand respect, but has earned it.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
YEah I made an edit 3 minutes after posting, so you can add time from the post, good. Nor did or do I dierepect any vetern that is not a traitor. What is your military experience, minimal? Do preach to me my father paid for your freedoms!And I said I was done responding to you, now I am.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Big Daddy said:
YEah I made an edit 3 minutes after posting, so you can add time from the post, good. Nor did or do I dierepect any vetern that is not a traitor. What is your military experience, minimal? Do preach to me my father paid for your freedoms!And I said I was done responding to you, now I am.
I was born at Camp Zama in Kanagawa Ken, Japan while my father was serving this nation as a naval intelligence officer. My mother has told me of the sacrifices she made in prenatal care while carrying me and my brother. I need no lectures on service to country, sir. Bush and Cheney, on the other hand, might very well need it.

My respect for the men and women who wear the uniforms of our nation does not stop with any party affiliation. I would never smear the hard work of our combat veterans for political gain. They risked their lives to defend America. They have earned the minimal respect accorded anyone who puts life and limb on the line. To call John Kerry a traitor is traitorous to the ideals that have made this country great....and disrespects all those who serve this nation.

I support John Kerry for President. He will bring honorable service to the White House and restore respect for America abroad.
Bryan330i said:
How so? Were is investment gain, where is the job gain? Please explain further.

These numbers are the lowest since WWII. No need for conservative web sites, and this is not a test, but please explain the connection of how this is working in simple economic terms and why you think the supply-side policy has not boosted the markets or jobs.
I don't profess to know a lot about the economy, jobs, and politics, etc, I should probably stick to my techno-geek stuff. But I do want to comment about jobs and observations.

I read the want ads in the local paper almost every Sunday. I am not looking for a job, rather, I find it an interesting source of economic indicators. Who is hiring, what kind of jobs, etc. REAL STUFF in my community, not some Talking Head's report on jobs on the Evening News from Washington.

In this area the local paper covers a potential distribution of maybe 300,000 residents. In the past year the Help Wanted section has grown by about 4 pages, some small block ads, but mostly the typical 25 word help wanted ad.

Week after week, month after month, many of the ads are running. One particular ad, for a HUGE Acme (owned by Albertsons) warehouse has been running for over a year. This ad offers full benefits after 90 days probation, $11 an hour to start, $17 an hour within 18 months, or something along those lines. These jobs are going unfilled. They even posted in the business section this week that they have 35 OPENINGS. It's obviously not a glamour job, but HUNDREDS of these types of jobs are available in our little corner of the world.

With jobs available and unfilled, what part of the unemployment rate is really the UNEMPLOYABLE rate?

My company does process control systems automation exclusively in the manufacturing sector. The phone is ringing off the hook! We are getting requests for process system upgrades, new installations, proposals, etc. Something that 2 years ago WASN'T happening. I just got a PO from a steel mill that has been in trouble for several years, huge layoffs, now they getting new orders, and are climbing back in the saddle and making plans for system upgrades.

I was at a General Electric automation software users group meeting the past two days. The VP of the software division posted a slide he said was from their market research department. They are predicting manufacturing sector growth in 2005, and are making plans to go after new business.

So I see proof of positive movement in the job and manufacturing sector. The small amount of economics I understand? Manufacturing growth is an early indicator of economic and job growth.

Finally, remember that it takes several years for economic changes to "turn a big ship". As Gizzy said, presidents inherit efforts of the previous administration. Bush inherited Clinton's. Are the results of Bush's tax cuts, etc. just starting to really show up now?
Oswego, IL
aNoodle said:
This was not like Nixon telling the North Vietnamese to not strike a deal with Johnson until after the election.

I gather Gizzy you accord no man who wears our nation's uniforms any respect. Kerry put that uniform on and went into combat for this county. That is respect not demanded, but earned through blood. To question his allegence is to disparage all veterans who risk life and limb for our nation's liberty.

Draft dodging Bush and Cheney know no shame when it comes to smearing a combat veteran's service.
I have great respect for the people that wear our nation's uniforms. When Kerry retuned from vietnam, he met with the VC not once but twice. The first time, he did NOT even notify congress. This would be considered collaberating with the enemy and is treason unless he was specifically provided the authority to negotiate which I don't beleive he had at that time. It is also alleged (though not proven) that many of his protests were done by the direction of the VC.

In what way did Bush dodge the war? He joined that national gaurd and could have been called to service in Vietnam at any time just as we are sending national gaurd troops to Iraq currently. If your so woried about draft dodgers - what about Clinton?


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
gizzy said:
I have great respect for the people that wear our nation's uniforms. When Kerry retuned from vietnam, he met with the VC not once but twice. The first time, he did NOT even notify congress. This would be considered collaberating with the enemy and is treason unless he was specifically provided the authority to negotiate which I don't beleive he had at that time. It is also alleged (though not proven) that many of his protests were done by the direction of the VC.

In what way did Bush dodge the war? He joined that national gaurd and could have been called to service in Vietnam at any time just as we are sending national gaurd troops to Iraq currently. If your so woried about draft dodgers - what about Clinton?
It's not about detracting from those that did not serve as much as those that did. Launching these smears against those that put their lives on the line for our country shows the true colors of hated and fear. They ought to be ashamed. Combat veterans protected this nation with life and limb. They have not demanded respect, they have earned it. Your respect for our armed services goes only so far as party affiliation.

Generations of Americans before the cry-Baby Boomers would never even consider using the military as a political tool, even if they had lost a war like in Southeast Asia. I think when a guy puts that uniform on and risks his life for our liberty he should be accorded at least a minimal amount of respect. Generations of Americans lived by this honor. History is watching how low a Republican White House, Republican Senate, Repbulican Congress, and Repbulican Supreme Court will go and how corrosive and destructive politics has to get with this generation. They can't get along with themselves, they can't get along with the rest of the world, not even our allies for generations. I would have thought combat veterans were a universal honor of this nation. Log up no aluminum tubes or mobile weapons labs, now even more smear of our combat veterans and divide politics. No shame. No shame.
