Can someone explain to me....(political)

Long Island - NY
I'm glad to see all the different points of view posted. I just want to make some additional comments:
1. There is nothing unpatriotic about questioning the president or the government. It's what we do in a democratic society. (Read the bill of Rights)
2. I have tremendous respect for the men and women of the armed forces. NOTHING in my posts should ever be viewed as criticism of your sacrifices.
3. None of the atrocities mentioned or pictured were commited by Iraq or in any way connected to Iraq. You kicked Sadaam's ass in Gulf one and his country has been a stone age relic ever since. Sadaam was in no way a threat to us.
4. The enemy is Al Queda. 9/11 was planned, financed, and carried out by Saudi's....Osama and much of Al Queda are alive and well in Pakistan. The USS Cole attack, the embassy bombings, all Al Queda.
And now for my theory.
I believe we invaded Iraq so we could take pressure off of the Saudi's by removing our bases from their country. BUT... they, Kuwait and us, require a strong US presence in the area to secure the oil and maintain the friendly power structure i.e. Saudi Royal Family etc. so we took Iraq and will have US forces stationed there for the forseeable future.
Just my .02
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
donmbmw said:

1. There is nothing unpatriotic about questioning the president or the government. It's what we do in a democratic society. (Read the bill of Rights)
2. I have tremendous respect for the men and women of the armed forces. NOTHING in my posts should ever be viewed as criticism of your sacrifices.
I agree.

Not only is it not unpatriotic, it is something we MUST do. We MUST question what OUR government is doing, and I see this as a duty no matter who the person is. I don't even see this as a right but rather an obligation.

When I vote it is like the stars in the sky-I am all over the place. [:D]

We should pick those to REPRESENT us that more closely match our desires and beliefs. There should be no individual so empowered that they are beyond the watchful eye of those that placed him/her there, no matter who it is.
S.E. CT.
Great post/replies. There is a current political site on the bimmerquest forum site.
Perhaps more opinions there as well.
Just a thought.
Take care.
