Your Opinion on the Kerry Vietnam Situation

As I am sure most here watch the news, what are your opinions on the controversy?

Personally, having known several Vets, one being my father, I am frustrated that he uses this in his campaign so heavily. There are thousands of Vets, and none of them boast about their medals, or use their sacrifice for political/social gain. About the closest thing to selfishness that I see in any war Vet is them just wanting you to know the sacrifice they made, and that you help them with their resulting disabilities, and this I dont find to be selfish at all. They just want to feel the gratitude of the public for their sacrifice.

However, Kerry seems to use this so much, that I find it sickening, and my opinion of his character and his integrity have fallen so far down, its like he is scum. I appreciate his sacrifice as anyone else does, and I'd shake his hand in sincere gratitude for what he did, but using this as an upper hand....even involving the person he 'saved', is just down right dirty. It makes me feel like he went to 'Nam thinking in advance to use this for his campaign. Its just wrong to me! And to consider that MAYBE he was lieing about being under fire, or whatever, only adds to the poorness of his character. I do not know that for sure, but the possibilty is disturbing.


Active Member
Missoula, MT
jszar said:
As I am sure most here watch the news, what are your opinions on the controversy?

Personally, having known several Vets, one being my father, I am frustrated that he uses this in his campaign so heavily. There are thousands of Vets, and none of them boast about their medals, or use their sacrifice for political/social gain. About the closest thing to selfishness that I see in any war Vet is them just wanting you to know the sacrifice they made, and that you help them with their resulting disabilities, and this I dont find to be selfish at all. They just want to feel the gratitude of the public for their sacrifice.

However, Kerry seems to use this so much, that I find it sickening, and my opinion of his character and his integrity have fallen so far down, its like he is scum. I appreciate his sacrifice as anyone else does, and I'd shake his hand in sincere gratitude for what he did, but using this as an upper hand....even involving the person he 'saved', is just down right dirty. It makes me feel like he went to 'Nam thinking in advance to use this for his campaign. Its just wrong to me! And to consider that MAYBE he was lieing about being under fire, or whatever, only adds to the poorness of his character. I do not know that for sure, but the possibilty is disturbing.
I totally agree. Except i would NEVER shake his hand for any reason. Unless i was getting paid a WHOLE lot of money... BTW wood_e, i think jszar asked about kerry, not about comparing to Bush....


Active Member
Missoula, MT
Yes i do. But you didn't have to start it, did you? Whatever, never quite gotten you democrats. This is my last post, cause i don't need to get into anymore arguments. And you REALLY don't want me to get started...... Once again, good job jszar.... at least someone around here has some common sense....
Chattanooga, TN
i really don't care about the Vietnam controversy...

people should focus more on what Kerry will do for the next 4 years... not to mention sliding by on something as dismal as 30 year old issue is pretty slick, and mind-numbingly stupid
panzershreck said:
i really don't care about the Vietnam controversy...

people should focus more on what Kerry will do for the next 4 years... not to mention sliding by on something as dismal as 30 year old issue is pretty slick, and mind-numbingly stupid
yes, and i agree about not reflecting on the past of each candidate. BUT, kerry brought this upon himself, by making commercials about it. and he is only discrediting himself by using this as a tool, its pathetic, AND WRONG!

do you see any other Vet's out trotting around, MAKING COMMERCIALS about their heroism??? he is so wrapped up in he doesnt care about america, he just wants presidential status. if he is focused on america, then thats what his commercials should be aimed at, but instead they spend their millions on airplanes, signs, and selfish commercials. ---- this is how I feel when i see his commercials.
Ames, IA / St. Paul, MN
I agree he shouldn't flaunt his military track record. The commercials are seemingly pathetic attempts to bring him into a different light. Instead of saying how he'll "defend america" he just mentions his military service 30 years ago... pretty sad.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Dave8812 said:
I totally agree. Except i would NEVER shake his hand for any reason. Unless i was getting paid a WHOLE lot of money... BTW wood_e, i think jszar asked about kerry, not about comparing to Bush....
I think it's sad in this country when people allow their conservative hatred views to lead them to believe a decorated war hero is somehow something other than simply that. An enemy with a hand that cannot be shaken? Kerry is 'using it?!?!' Regrettable for the extremists, Kerry didn't disappear from the national guard. It's funny, while we now have a number of known veterans who served with Kerry and even more extremist right wingers pretending to have served with him, we have yet to find a single person in the national guard to claim to have served with Bush.

The military is split something like 55/45 for Bush. If Bush and his attack squad didn't lie, I'm sure it would swing the other way. We're all entitled to our own opinion, but we are not entitled to our own facts. Whether it's taking down John McCain in South Carolina or now Kerry, it's the same smutty smear campaign from a Son of a Bush who knows no shame. Honorable veterans know the difference. Honorable veterans who carry shapnel in their bodies don't hide their service to country, even when cowards claim it is 'using it.' No shame, no shame.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
jszar said:
yes, and i agree about not reflecting on the past of each candidate. BUT, kerry brought this upon himself, by making commercials about it. and he is only discrediting himself by using this as a tool, its pathetic, AND WRONG!

do you see any other Vet's out trotting around, MAKING COMMERCIALS about their heroism??? he is so wrapped up in he doesnt care about america, he just wants presidential status. if he is focused on america, then thats what his commercials should be aimed at, but instead they spend their millions on airplanes, signs, and selfish commercials. ---- this is how I feel when i see his commercials.
You sound like a Democrat complaining about Bush landing on the aircraft carrier, playing top gun dress up, banner waiving "Mission Accomplished" all for the commercial value.
you know what, i would agree with that too, its all politics...which i hate.

nobody should flaunt their medals, but be proud yes. as i said before, medals and awards are NOT social status, they are a symbol of their sacrifice, and should represent nothing else. if kerry wants to say, "i was in the military, i served, and was even", thats great and perfectly ok. but instead all i hear is..."I WON 3 Purple Hearts!!!!"

My dad, grandfather, and other vets i know keep their medals in a box....mostly because it hurts to think of all that they lost in past wars. they dont even like to talk much about it. its like kerry flaunts the fact that he was in war....and it makes him so special????

aNoodle said:
I think it's sad in this country when people allow their conservative hatred views to lead them to believe a decorated war hero is somehow something other than simply that....
...Honorable veterans who carry shapnel in their bodies don't hide their service to country, even when cowards claim it is 'using it.' No shame, no shame.
my views are a product of his advertisement, and his morals....nothing else.
as i stated, i would shake kerry's hand in gratitude for what he has done...after that i would let him know that i despise his ad's abusing what he rightfuly earned. NO amount of medals should determine whether he is president or not.
lastly, dont call me a coward...thats way out of line. in a heartbeat i would lay down my life goals in the event this country needed my service. in fact, after college, there is a 90% chance of me being in the military. no need for name calling.
a quick example of how i feel about kerry using this....

i saved a kids life. i was 13, and swimming in a lake at summer camp. the kid next to me was about 200+ pounds, and a diabetic. normal for diabetics, you can lose energy suddenly, and thats what happend to him. he went straight down, not even a life gaurd noticed. i was only a few feet away, so i took off after him. i pulled him up, and carried him to the beach area. the life gaurd noticed after i was trying to pull him out of the water and couldnt, because of his weight...and ran over to help. etc. etc.....

my point is, only a few people saw that, never do i talk about it, because its scary/not something you flaunt. how would you feel if i walked around saying, I saved a kids life, and i got a reward for it...blah blah blah. personally i would want to kick my own ass. if someone else brings it up, saying something like a thank you....thats one thing. but dont flaunt something like that.

....see what i mean?
Wayzata, MN
oh come now, all politicians lie

i think kerry would've been better off telling the truth because it would set him apart from other politicians more than a combat record.


1000 Post Club
Fallujah, Iraq for now
Its very funny to me to hear all these different opinions on some so called "sleazy" ads on Kerry's service or even Bush's lack of. But what we all need to remember is politics IS a business these days. It is not in its pure form(probably hasnt been since the beginning of the Roman empire) and political back biting and finger pointing are all part of the game. Not giving the campaigns any exscuses but can you expect anything else? This country hasnt had a clean political race in decades! That being said lets also remember that many times the candidates dont REALLY have "hands-on" with everything that goes on with their campaign, but they will most definitely take the fall (good example: bad intelligence.....whos fault is it really? Who do you point the finger at? The big guy of course!). I think both candidates both have their strong points and weak points. I am an 30 year old african-american male veteran that lives in europe so you would think I would lean towards the Democrats but personally I lean toward whoever I want to!
Houston, Texas
During my recent visit to South Korea, about eight of us were having dinner, Korean style, the whole floor thing and they brought up politics in the US. They asked me who I thought would win the election. I stated with one word "Bush." To my surprise they said, "we hope so." I asked why and they felt that Kerry would be more apt to pull all the military from South Korea and leave them in a lurch. The threat of North Korea is such a reality to them even after 50 years of a truce and even knowing that the US would never let North Korea take over their country. After high school, all males must serve two years in the armed forces. If some reason they are unable to, then they fulfil a position of policeman, fireman, social work, etc. They after their service they go to the university. I read an article while I was there in the paper, it was about many young men going to prison for three years for not joining the military due to their religious beliefs. There are about 300 young men currently in prison for this reason. The article was stating that maybe the option of serving in the military or some kind of social service should be given. The government in their response to this situation felt there would be no way to tell the difference between actual religious beliefs and just not wanting to serve in the military. The end of the article had a statement that I felt was deep..................Service to our country should always be before individual beliefs and desires.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
That's interesting, Harley. How do the South Koreans feel now this week when Bush announced a unilateral withdrawal of troops from central Europe and South Korea? Kerry came out this week questioning that. Is Bush helping North Korea? Or is it we just need more troops for Iraq?

Bush Plans Large U.S. Troop Realignment (funny that Fox "News" masks it as 'realignment' and 'shift,' not withdrawal) "Administration officials have insisted that this shift is not due to troops being stretched too thin fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq but rather [sic].",2933,129077,00.html

Kerry Criticizes President's Troop Plan
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Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
The South Korean government was involved in the announcement and planning, I do not think it bothers them considering they will still have over 24000 US troops in their country after the realignment. "Washington and Seoul announced earlier this year that the United States was removing about 12,500 of the 37,000 troops stationed in South Korea for decades and sending many of them to fight in Iraq or Afghanistan. One US official said on Saturday, however, some of those troops could be returned to South Korea." Not to mention the US is planning on stationing "heavy bombers" and the new FA/22 jet on Guam to address the North Korean problem. Our current troop deployment predates the cold war and a realignment would make better use of our abilities, it is long overdue.

North Korea Daily News
Chattanooga, TN
the troop movement was inevitable, we dont need troops in Germany anymore (only airfields), and realistically our troops in South Korea are there only as a deterrant against an attack, if an attack happened, they would not be playing any major role, but they would get the US immediately into the fray
