When is enough enough


New Member
Bogota, Colombia
About a year ago I bought my first BMW. Of course because of the economic factor as well as it being my dream to own, I bought a used 1986 325i E30 . I live in South America and well cars here get a little more wear and tear than they do in the states, so I have had to do a lot of work on the car to get it looking and running the way I want it to. Here are most of the things that I have done.

rebuilt engine
changed shocks, and suspension parts ( the rubber protectors between suspension ... parts, sorry I don`t know the names in english..)
changed both front and rear bumpers for Fiber Made ( Got ahold of molds for sports low end with matching side panels.
Replaced clutch, disc, etc
Three Way free flow exaust system installed
Freeflow air filter installed
Put Yokohamma 215 50 R17 on original BMW M3 17 wheels
Replaced Leather and floor carpet for factory original carpet
Pioneer DEH-P8450MP MP3 with double component speakers system
Complete exterior paint (Delphin Metallic direct from Germany)
Changed both gas pumps, water pump and clutch hydraulics pumps
Replaced many seals, caps, cables, knobs and basically took many years off the car.

As you can see, I am serious about having my car the way I like it. Obviously it has been a tough year and everybody who knows me (exept for a few friends), think that I am crazy. They say that I bought a car and have done nothing but spend money on it and that it is always in the shop. Well sure, that is one way of looking at it, but then again I love my car. There is nothing more satisfying for me than to fix her up and take her out. For me this is a car that I hope I will never have to sell. I know that I have done a lot, but what else should i do? Do chips really make that much difference on the M20 engine? How can I boost my 0-60 speed without trading too much originality?

i would really apreciate comments on how to proceed now. what to do... what to dooo..
