What do you get when you put a grapefruit on a cat?

New Jersey
Hahaha, cute. Speaking of cats, our neighbor has a few cats and they come to our backyard...most of the time it is this orange-colored one. In fact, it was here just now...it sits outside the sliding door in our kitchen and my dad brings it in to pet it and make it warm...we felt bad putting it back out...kinda cold for a cat to be out in 44 degree weather, no?
Charleston, SC
either that cat is ready for battle, or couldnt find the Coronas!!!

i was petting some cat that kept on jumping in front of me the other day, i come back a few minutes later and smell cat piss near my door.... wtf! he marking teritory of mad i left. damn.

ive owned three cats in my time, each was a price of shit - one was psycho, the other liked to jump in front of cars, and the last one liked to pee on my antique pillow and imported silk blankets. wasnt going to have any of that.

i agree how cats are used here:

speaking of pets, i ....wtf.... nevermind (i live on an island and hear weird shit sometimes)
i need to start a thread about dogs, this cats thing is ruling the board [;)]
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
MrElussive said:
Hahaha, cute. Speaking of cats, our neighbor has a few cats and they come to our backyard...most of the time it is this orange-colored one. In fact, it was here just now...it sits outside the sliding door in our kitchen and my dad brings it in to pet it and make it warm...we felt bad putting it back out...kinda cold for a cat to be out in 44 degree weather, no?

I hate it when people get animals and don't take care of them. Funny I would read this today because I was just thinking about sending the people in my area a letter in the mail about taking care of the animals they own. It was 35 here last night and there are two cats out on the fence trying to get warm in the early morning sun. Sorry but what %&^#*@* these people are that get these animals and take no responsibility for them.

[scream] [scream] [scream]

I have a second power/breaker box for pool equipment in my back yard and I was thinking that I may see if there is some type of thing I can get to keep them warm. Something like a small dog house and perhaps a warming device like people put in windows for cats. It would need to be in a completely closed in plastic type house with complete sealed bottom to prevent electrical related issues. And then I could put it next to an outlet by the pool equipment where there is some protection. Need to see what I can come up with. Even here in LV it gets cold this time of year, overnight is expected to be low to mid 30's for the next 3 days.
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Lansing, Michigan
I let my cats out if they want when it's cold, but I stay with them. These neighbors across the street from us leave their cats out all night, not only do I feels sorry for the cats, but they come to my house and torment my cats from the outside. I wake up at 1am to hear my cats yowling at the neighbor cat on the front porch.


2000 Post Club
Cleveland, OHIO
If the cat is outside at night I don't think it nessacarily means they don't take care of them... If my cat goes out durning the day and he's not back by the time it's dark I check abut every half hour if he's by our house, and if he's not back by 2-3 I usually go to sleep and either Pavel or my mom let him in in morning, whoever is up first.

This is Anna... forgot to sign Pavel out.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
PuShAkOv said:
If the cat is outside at night I don't think it nessacarily means they don't take care of them... If my cat goes out durning the day and he's not back by the time it's dark I check abut every half hour if he's by our house, and if he's not back by 2-3 I usually go to sleep and either Pavel or my mom let him in in morning, whoever is up first.

This is Anna... forgot to sign Pavel out.

Will they not die if it is too cold, say 30-40?
New Jersey
We were thinking of putting the car in the garage for the night to keep it warm, because when my dad brings the cat in, it is shivering. But I think the cat wants to come in because it knows my dad gives it lots of attention. [:D]
We ended up letting it back out last night because we figured the neighbors must have some sort of trap door or something, for their cats to get in and out of the house. [???1]
