Watch out for that curb!!!

Edmond, OK
Alright, I am really embarassed to admit this, but I hit a curb a couple of weeks ago and really did some damage to my 5 series.

I was late to a friend of mine wedding "couple" shower (I hate those!), kinda speeding, the music playing loud and of course, it was night. I was in a part of town I never visit. I was approaching a light and needed to turn left, so I jump into what I thought was the left hand turn lane for the intersection. It wasn't. It was a left hand turn lane to a local Eckerds drug store. By the time I realized that there was a curb in front of me, it was too late and I was going too fast.

I smacked the curb doing about 35 mph, blowing both right side tires and ruining both right side rims. I bought two new rims, had the car aligned and checked for any bent parts. To my surprise everything appeared OK. A couple of weeks later my right front shock started leaking oil badly. I ordered new shocks, Bilstein HDs, $479 and it's going to cost about a grand to have them installed. So, it looks like that piece of crap curb is going to cost me about $2k.
