I am glad they had the good taste to pull it, but it would have been quite funny otherwise, recent international events not withstanding. The world has become way too PC. I don't think it is fair to make light of tragic situations, but if we can't sit back and have a laugh from time to time, where would we be?
It's not making fun in any way of any victim of a terrorist bombing - terrorist bombings where the terrorist parks a car and blows himself up have happened - we can't ignore that, we can't pretend it didn't happen. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to make any ads featuring situations where people have died. better not make an ad where a ship hits an iceberg and sinks - descendants of Titanic victims will complain. Can't make a movie where a burgular breaks into a house and kills the owners - someone might be offended if it happened to a family member. See its just bloody ridiculous.
People have become way too sensitive - we need to realise that humour can have healing effects as well as hurtful ones - I am sick of people complaining about ads that may be un-PC. We had one in NZ recently - someone complained because an ad made light of a person with dyslexia - they thought that it was unfair singling out dyslexics - but the ad wasn't offensive, it made fun of dyslexics, yes, but didn't portray them to be inferior, but it did poke a bit of friendly fun at their condition - most dyslexics seemed to see the funny side and thought the ad was great - those that complained in the most part didn't even have dyslexia - they were just poking their nose in because they have nothing better to do. Well they can stick it as far as I am concerned - oops, I probably offended someone. Tough, i'm not sorry.
Get my point?
OK, I'm done - flame away!