Voting Quiz

Oswego, IL
I found this while researching positions of local candidates running for state office. I thought it was kind of cool and wanted to share it with all of you.

Your Personal Scores Explained for George W. Bush

Your Total Score Versus George W. Bush
Overall Matching Score: 45%
You have a poor match with George W. Bush. Unless you particularly like his character and background, you should vote for another candidate.
Your Subscores Versus George W. Bush
Personal Matching Score: 63%
George W. Bush matches your views on personal issues well.
Economic Matching Score: 33%
George W. Bush poorly matches your views on economic issues.
You agree with George W. Bush significantly more on personal issues than on economic issues. You will likely agree with George W. Bush on issues like morality, lifestyle, and civil rights, but will not agree as well on issues like taxes, budget, and spending issues.

Comparing Personal Answers between You and George W. Bush
You George W. Bush
Abortion is a woman's right Oppose Strongly Oppose
Sexual orientation protected by civil rights laws Neutral Strongly Oppose
Permit prayer in public schools Strongly Support Strongly Support
Death Penalty Strongly Support Strongly Support
Mandatory Three Strikes Sentencing Laws Strongly Support Strongly Support
Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it Strongly Support Support
Encourage Immigration and Offer Amnesty Oppose Support
More Spending on Armed Forces Strongly Support Strongly Support
Your Personal Scores Explained for John Kerry

Your Total Score Versus John Kerry
Overall Matching Score: 13%
John Kerry is not for you. You disagree on all important issues.
Your Subscores Versus John Kerry
Personal Matching Score: 0%
John Kerry does not match your views on personal issues at all.
Economic Matching Score: 21%
John Kerry very poorly matches your views on economic issues.
You agree with John Kerry significantly more on economic issues than on personal issues. You will likely agree with John Kerry on issues like taxes, budget, and spending issues, but will not agree as well on issues like drugs, morality, and civil rights.

Comparing Personal Answers between You and John Kerry
You John Kerry
Abortion is a woman's right Oppose Strongly Support
Sexual orientation protected by civil rights laws Neutral Strongly Support
Permit prayer in public schools Strongly Support Strongly Oppose
Death Penalty Strongly Support Strongly Oppose
Mandatory Three Strikes Sentencing Laws Strongly Support Oppose
Drug use is immoral: enforce laws against it Strongly Support Strongly Oppose
Encourage Immigration and Offer Amnesty Oppose Support
More Spending on Armed Forces Strongly Support Oppose
Chattanooga, TN
not surprising

Your Total Score Versus John Kerry

Overall Matching Score: 35%
You have a poor match with John Kerry. Unless you particularly like his character and background, you should vote for another candidate.

*** Your Subscores Versus John Kerry

Personal Matching Score: 50%
John Kerry matches your views on personal issues acceptably.

Economic Matching Score: 25%
John Kerry very poorly matches your views on economic issues.

You agree with John Kerry significantly more on personal issues than on economic issues. You will likely agree with John Kerry on issues like morality, lifestyle, and civil rights, but will not agree as well on issues like taxes, budget, and spending issues.
Your Total Score Versus George W. Bush

Overall Matching Score: 13%
George W. Bush is not for you. You disagree on all important issues.

*** Your Subscores Versus George W. Bush

Personal Matching Score: 13%
George W. Bush very poorly matches your views on personal issues.

Economic Matching Score: 13%
George W. Bush very poorly matches your views on economic issues.

Your personal and economic subscores for George W. Bush are identical. You will find your level of agreement (or disagreement) with George W. Bush the same regardless of the issue under discussion.
