V President's gay child


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
I never realized his head of vp operations and daughter was gay. It's all over the news now...http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A33588-2004Oct14.html. A former Coors Brewing Co. emissary to the gay community? Does this mean the Republicans won't amend the consititution against homos or are they still for that? Sounds like every one is up in arms. I don't get it.
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Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
The whole issue... I've decided that the gays and the really anti-gays are stupid, so I don't care anymore.

If I did, my answer would be to not call it marriage, but let them pay taxes like a married couple. Whatever... it'll make them happy and both sides win.
Oswego, IL
epj3 said:
The whole issue... I've decided that the gays and the really anti-gays are stupid, so I don't care anymore.

If I did, my answer would be to not call it marriage, but let them pay taxes like a married couple. Whatever... it'll make them happy and both sides win.
They would probably somehow be able to claim some type of minority status and get a tax credit, thereby paying less taxes than the rest of us. Not to mention, addoption bennefits since they could not physically create a child together. The list would also grow with the more rights that they receive. It will end up being a never ending battle.
Oswego, IL
Bryan330i said:
The adoption tax credit is the same for everyone and varies by the child’s status and has nothing to do with parent’s race, marital status, or sex.
And you really think that they won't try to change it because they have been wronged and supressed, or that they are more deserving due to the physical complications of two people of the same sex trying to have a child together? [rofl] Trust me, legal marriage of members of the same sex will only be one of the first steps. I've had this debate with my uncle (who is gay) a few times and the above reasoning is what he uses to claim that the government should help gays and lesbians more.
Winston Salem, NC
I just really think there are much more pressing issues facing this country right now than worrying about if gay marriage should be allowed. IMO, that is the least of our worries.

Personally, I do not feel that something like that belongs in the constitution of our country anyways.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
jrt67ss350 said:
I just really think there are much more pressing issues facing this country right now than worrying about if gay marriage should be allowed. IMO, that is the least of our worries.

Personally, I do not feel that something like that belongs in the constitution of our country anyways.
I get it now...the republicans are just trying to court the so-called family values vote while they keep secret from the bigots that they raise lesbian daughters. Damn, they are smooth. If the born-again extremists had their way, they'd have some taliban-style government here and write slavery into the consititution....oh, that's right, they already did that once. It took a civil war to settle that one....is that where they're going with this? Why can't the republican religion nuts just leave people be? Lead by example, and if that includes instilling homosexual tendencies in their children then be open about it or don't run for vice president.
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Melbourne, AUS
I reckon when gay people make the choice to become gay then they give up the right to certain privileges that heterosexuals enjoy. The ability to have children is one such example. For example, same-sex relationships make procreation an impossibility so why should they have the right to bring up children? It's a very complex and emotive issue but i just had to write something.
Houston, Texas
aNoodle said:
I get it now...the republicans are just trying to court the so-called family values vote while they keep secret from the bigots that they raise lesbian daughters. Damn, they are smooth. If the born-again extremists had their way, they'd have some taliban-style government here and write slavery into the consititution....oh, that's right, they already did that once. It took a civil war to settle that one....is that where they're going with this? Why can't the republican religion nuts just leave people be? Lead by example, and if that includes instilling homosexual tendencies in their children then be open about it or don't run for vice president.
The news about Vice President Cheney's daughter has been known for years even back through the first election. I'm not sure how long it takes news to get to Georgia.

IMO parents do not instill homosexual tendencies in their children, homosexuals are born and not chosen, just like being a heterosexual, did you choose at 10 to be attracted to females or did it just happen naturally. I know many men who are Mama's boys but are not homosexual, I know many men who were dressed as little boys in girl's clothes but are not homosexual, I know many men who played with dolls but are not homosexual, I know men who like to wear lingerie, but are not homosexual. What tendencies are instilled by a parent to make you homosexual??

I'm not homosexual, but I'll take a tax break for being heterosexual and not have to be married to get it!!!!!!
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
Kids display homosexual tendencies frequently when raised is disruptive environments. There has never been a substantiated case of genetic homosexuality traceable through generations which would be the case with the "gay brain" theory. The evidence of this does surface at isolated times but there had yet to be a genetic trail of this ever demonstrated, unlike other biological and behavioral variations.

However, very common is the demonstrated likeness of enviromental/behavioral situations within a home and the end result of homosexuality.

Of course it needs to also be recognized that many within a family could follow or understand the homosexual nature and feelings but choose to hide this leading to false testing for the biological theory.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
MyHarley said:
The news about Vice President Cheney's daughter has been known for years even back through the first election. I'm not sure how long it takes news to get to Georgia.

IMO parents do not instill homosexual tendencies in their children, homosexuals are born and not chosen, just like being a heterosexual, did you choose at 10 to be attracted to females or did it just happen naturally. I know many men who are Mama's boys but are not homosexual, I know many men who were dressed as little boys in girl's clothes but are not homosexual, I know many men who played with dolls but are not homosexual, I know men who like to wear lingerie, but are not homosexual. What tendencies are instilled by a parent to make you homosexual??

I'm not homosexual, but I'll take a tax break for being heterosexual and not have to be married to get it!!!!!!
I'm not too bright so you'll have to forgive me for not getting news quicker in Georgia.

In the debate, Bob Schieffer of CBS, asked the president whether he thought homosexuality was a matter of choice, Mr. Bush replied: "You know, Bob, I don't know. I just don't know.''

I guess Bush thinks Cheney may have caused his daughter to be a lesbo by being overbearing or distant or something?

MyHarley, are you saying you agree with John Kerry? He said he sees marriage as a union between man and woman. The senator said he does not support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and went on to say, "I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as."
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
MyHarley said:
I'm not homosexual, but I'll take a tax break for being heterosexual and not have to be married to get it!!!!!!

The Republican tax plans have been particularly brutal to those single persons without children that earn any type of income past the lower brackets. Unfortunately, this is going to be even more pronounced under Bush or Kerry. Basically, if you make $75, $100, or $150 annually you are screwed either way. Clinton had a bit more sympathy for the professional wage earner that was not married and did not have children but this did not get too far.

I will take my new tax deductions (almost have 2003 taxes done after 2 extensions) and it will be interesting to see how everything falls in place. However, I am still not sold on the tax plan that asks people like you, My Harley, to bear an unfair burden because you don't have the same deductions.

My wife and I were in this position for 12 years and it's the segment everyone ignores, Clinton being the exception, and it's the segment that will continue to shoulder an unfair portion of the tax burden while marriage and child tax credits continue to increase.
Houston, Texas
aNoodle said:
I'm not too bright so you'll have to forgive me for not getting news quicker in Georgia.

In the debate, Bob Schieffer of CBS, asked the president whether he thought homosexuality was a matter of choice, Mr. Bush replied: "You know, Bob, I don't know. I just don't know.''

I guess Bush thinks Cheney may have caused his daughter to be a lesbo by being overbearing or distant or something?

MyHarley, are you saying you agree with John Kerry? He said he sees marriage as a union between man and woman. The senator said he does not support a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, and went on to say, "I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as."
I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman, what I don't agree with is Mr. Kerry even mentioning Vice President's daughter during the debate, what is she now the poster child for all the world in being lesbian, this has nothing to do with the election, again I will say, I don't believe that the environment has anything to do with being gay, gay couples can raise a child and will not turn out to be homosexual, overbearing some of you say, I have a very strong Mother, but what I got out of that was not being homosexual, but being a strong and independent female. Kerry mentions anything and everything that has nothing to do with him, I could say, hey he couldnt even make his marriage workable, how does that look for him to have the job of President, but this is simplistic at its best, stick to the issues of yourself and not of others, tell me what you're going to do, not what others havent done, give me something new to hear and I might listen. Havent you ever heard the saying, what have you done for me lately??

People seem to think that because you are a Republican or Democrat, that you believe in everything the platform stands for, well I disagree, I agree with the majority of the platform, I believe in pro-choice, death penalty, less government and man/woman marriages and stem cell testing......but I am Republican......you cant have a cure all for everything, but take the high road on which platform has the majority in what you believe in and then make your vote.............

is this enough??? [mad]


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
MyHarley said:
I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman, what I don't agree with is Mr. Kerry even mentioning Vice President's daughter during the debate, [mad]
Yeah, a lot of conservatives are up in arms about that. Safire had a heyday....

"Until that moment, only political junkies knew that a member of the Cheney family serving on the campaign staff was homosexual. The vice president, to show it was no secret or anything his family was ashamed of, had referred to it briefly twice this year, but the press - respecting family privacy - had properly not made it a big deal. The percentage of voters aware of Mary Cheney's sexual orientation was tiny. But Edwards's answer in the vice-presidential debate raised that percentage." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/18/opinion/18safire.html?hp

I guess you're right about neither party really having all the answers. Issues don't really matter to most voters, it's just Coke vs. Pepsi. Choose the sugar water whose packaging you like most. These guys have no real convictions. President "family-values" Reagan, of course, was our first divorsed president with a gay son--the small-government "talking" conservative who exploded the budget. They just pander for the votes, keep quiet their gay children, sell family values and small government...ugggggh....POLITICIANS!!!!
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