things that change the way you drive...

so my car was fixed for spring break. $800 though. it runs awesome now. this is a true story that happent to me the other day driving to cali. this trip is in my 325i too.

***guys/mods: please excuse the language. i copied and pasted this from another forum that i post at regularly. this stuff is graphic and real too, if you cant handle sick stuff, dont read this post! serious!

so, most of you prolly read that i am down in tamecula california, right above san diego, for spring break. the trip down was very interesting, pretty much life changing too.

i was just north of sacramento aaround 4 or 5pm on saturday. doing about 70 - 75mph, i for some reason wasnt going fast, i honestly at the time just had the windows down, and enjoying the warm breeze, didnt feel like speeding. i was in the left hand lane, it was a 2 lane stretch. behind me, following at content with the speed distances were a white cadillac, and behid him a red ford focus. we were cruisin down the left lane, no one behind or in front of us for about a half mile. we had a few seconds earlier passed a few cars that were in the right lane, and i didnt feel like moving into the right lane to let them pass, because they werent tail gating, or even notioning that they wanted to pass, and there were a few cars a ways up (a mile or so) that i was catching up to, so i didnt want to get over in the right lane just to get back over...there was no need (i thought). i was watching in my rear view mirror, total gut feeling that one or both of the cadillac and focus would gun it and try and pass me in the right lane. sure enough, first i see the red focus drop back a little, then move into the right lane and FLOOR IT. she was doing at least 80+ by the time she was passing the cadillac that was directly behind me, and as she got side by side with the cadillac, the old driver of the cadillac started to move into the right lane to pass me too. i FREAKED. i SO saw this happen and i knew shit was gonna be bad. the old driver of the cadillac didnt check his blind spot, which is coincidently where the focus was right when he jumped over. the focus flung the wheel to the right, probably more so than needed to stear away from hitting, then flew the wheel back to the left still trying to pass the cadillac. the cadillac finally saw her, but it was too late. the driver of the focus lost it in the gravel, turned sidways and i could see her car going sideways down the I-5 as she passed me with exotic speed, then, as soon as all the tires gripped enough gravel, she flipped SO HARD it sent her rolling in mid air at least twice, then hitting the ground and continuing to roll past me ( i was still doing 70+). as soon as she hit enough ground, she lost speed and stopped flipping. ((but imagine a car rolling sidways next to you when you are going 75 mph, ****ING CRAZIER THAN THE WORST SHIT YOU'VE EVER SEEN)) of course i fly to the side and run out there, me and a few other samaritans stopped and we managed to roll the car over onto its tires, at least what was left of the tires. the passenger was a hispanic male, he didnt speak english, but he was ok.

the driver...oh my ****ing god. what i type, and what you hear and see on tv or in pictures does not do justice to what i saw. reading this, you can look past it as i have before and think nothing of it, but when you see what i saw on Intersate-5, you can NEVER, EVER drive the same again. this overweight womans body was mangled. blood EVERYWHERE. there was plastic on the sides of the seats, some sort of cover, for look i guess, but this plastic had broken off during the rolling, and cut this womans ****ING HEAD OPEN. not just open either, but cut the top half of her skull off. her brains, litteraly were spewed like little peices of jelly all over the car. some drooped off of the seiling, some was on the door panels, it was everywhere. an emt was puking on the side of the freeway after he saw it up close. everything that i wrote is litteral to the exact descritpion. you CANNOT imagine what i saw. her skin was dark purple almost immediatly.

i didnt want to drive. i wouldnt almost. i had to give a police officer a statement. later on i found out that this ****ing cop was considering that I was racing with the cadilac! i about ****ing shot him with his own gun!!!! i, of course, felt a little responsible...if i had moved over, but i didnt think they wanted to pass! i told hime that! and why would i want to race a 70+ year old man in a caddy!!!!!!!!!!! i was furious!!! after i was done, i took off. i drove like 50 mph. to think if i had been the caddy, or in the focus...i watched a person die, as their car rolled by me for a second, and then fell back behind. life flight even came just in case someone needed it.

guys, i know you cant feel what i did, but if you ever do, you will know why i sound like such a ***** right now. but when you have seen what i saw, you can never look at a car the same way. every time i passed someone for the rest of the trip, i gave my self cushion, a lot, just in case that happened to me, and i GUNNED it by every person i passed, just to make sure i got through fast. i am ok now, not as precautios, but still more that usual. see, i drive like that a lot on the freeway, or did anyway. if i wanted by, i flew by on the right lane sometimes. carelessly, but i knew i wasnt invincible. after this experience, i dont drive like grandma, but i do drive a lot safer. what i saw on the freeway could never be imagined, even on a video that may be real, it still isnt the same as in real life. i had a feeling something was going to happen too, thats what was really weird. it all went kind of slow in my mirror, and then it was right out my passenger window.

the caddy took off after a while, he didnt talk to the police either. the cops were pissed, they even put out a search over the radio for him.

drive safe guys. shit happens, and it happens a lot more now days. the passenger walked away, the driver had her brains splattered all over the car, and that is very litteral, i could see inside her empty skull.

btw. 2 miles passed that severe accident, i saw another rolled car, but it looked minor. then, at 3 am today, still driving, passed a rolled toyota camry. the driver fell asleep at the wheel...i think they all died, the car was obliterated.
Austin TX
yea, I feel ashamed to say it that it takes these kinds of accidents to make me be a sensible driver...sophomore year I let my friends borrow my Volvo 740Turbo and he ended up taking a turn too fast and flipping it with all my best friends in it...luckily everyone had their seatbelts on and the fact that it was a volvo was a big factor in them surviving...those things are built like tanks...but yea after that happened I have slowed down and drove more careful accidents are really devastating whether it's minor or severe
New Jersey
Wow, sorry to hear you had such experience. I drive to Long Island and back several times a week, and every time I have to deal with these horrible NY drivers (I don't care if I'm insulting anyone, I've had TOO many bad experiences with NY drivers) that NEVER check their blind spots and are completely happy, cutting people off, tail-gating, etc. I like to drive kind of quick, too but you have to know your limits as a driver.
Kind of disappointing that the Cadillac driver just drove away...old people shouldn't be allowed to drive. I bet they cause more car accidents than drunk drivers.
yeah. a week later i am ok. took a while to get that crap out of my head though. turns out the cops couldnt find the guy, and they called me back for his description, said the lady that died was divorced, no thats sort of positive i guess.

ford focus' have next to no rollover protection, thats for damn sure.
New Jersey
Here are the NHTSA Crash Test Results for the 2004 Ford Focus:

Focus 2-Door:
-Driver Front: 4/5
-Passenger Front: 4/5
-Front Side: 4/5
-Rear Side: 1/5

Focus 4-Door:
-Driver Front: 5/5
-Passenger Front: 4/5
-Front Side: 3/5
-Rear Side: 4/5

Somewhat inconsistent, but seems decently safe overall. That Rear Side rating on the Focus 2-Door really scares me.
Drive in Europe for a spell and you realize that the left lane is not for driving. It's a common courtesy to move right as soon as you pass a vehicle
