Stock Market

Nashville, Tn/Baton Rouge, LA
I've always been curious as to how all this stuff works. I finally sat down and did some research. I think I have a general understanding of what goes on (general as in the bare bones of it). I've just started doing a fantasy stock market game online to help me learn some more. I know there are some people on this board who are damn good with money, which also means some of yall invest your money in the market. I was just wondering if any of yall have any tips for just beggining. I'm not looking to invest any real money anytime soon, but I would like to know some of yalls opinions.
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
I would not even know where to begin anymore. There is so much theft and scandal that I would stay completely away from anything oil and energy related entirely.

Stocks like Pepsi and so on have had good steady growth over time. The key for short-term is really to spot trends early and follow those companies that are more in tune with the trends for the shorter-term.

There are so many factors involved but a good way is to offset or diversify so problems in one area don’t take you down completely.

I also think you need to be careful with companies like Krispy Kream. Although they perform extremely well, I question if they are hitting a market saturation point where the extra premium in stock price may get washed away in the next couple of years because of this.

Just play around with different thing, different industries, new companies and so on and have fun and see what happens.
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Wayzata, MN
My family is full of stock brokers, and the one thing i've learned, is that for a longer term investment look to companies that have a lot of properties. I can think of one in particular that about everyone in my family got in on was SGI, their stock fell dramatically like 5 years ago, and it was trading for around $0.50 a share, the brokers in the family kept an i on it, and its various properties, and when everyone sold it was trading for around $4.60

but i'm just one opinion, i would also like to hear some people with more experience
I have found it difficult to make money in the stock market inside of a small window of time.

To minimize risk I trade only SPY and QQQ. I have set aside a steady reserve of cash, ready for buying opportunities that occur once every 2-3 years. I do the opposite of my emotions. When everyone is selling, I am buying. When everyone is buying, I am selling.

For example, I bought some shares of SPY and QQQ today after everyone else has been selling off shares the past couple of weeks.
Central, CA
MSO, MCD, FDRY, and something in chemical..., try DD. All should turn around or continue up $5 or so a share in the next 45 days. I'm just an amatuer so don't go investing your life savings in these.
Charleston, SC
i have an ok portfolio, but its mostly filled with securities and such. Not really any bonds.
The past two years have killed me but im in it for the long haul, so im not worried about it at the moment.
One reason i got hurt is because i have more high risk stock than anything else - i think this is the best way for me to go right now seeing as how i have less than 50k invested.
I have to make some changes soon because im paying more out to have it invested than i should. Not real sure where to go from here.
