A meet in Austin, Texas! Finally!! It'll be a General Car Meet, mostly European cars. There will be a BBQ and other foods available, please bring some if you'd like. There will be NO alcohol,drugs, disruptive behavior, racing, revving, or drifting allowed. Other then that, please enjoy...
Place: Tukong Martial Arts parking lot
Address: 9185 Research Blvd., Ste. 200 // Austin, Texas 78758
Map: http://www.masteryi.com/tukongmap.gif
Map 2: http://www.masteryi.com/Map.gif
When: Friday, March 18
Time: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
What: General Car Meet
Special: BBQ
Sponsored by : Tukong
I'll get you guys tuned in if i get some more information!
Please add to the list with username and car, if you are going to attend the meet.
1. xkrnxnamjahx (2003 BMW M3)
Thank you
Place: Tukong Martial Arts parking lot
Address: 9185 Research Blvd., Ste. 200 // Austin, Texas 78758
Map: http://www.masteryi.com/tukongmap.gif
Map 2: http://www.masteryi.com/Map.gif
When: Friday, March 18
Time: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
What: General Car Meet
Special: BBQ
Sponsored by : Tukong
I'll get you guys tuned in if i get some more information!
Please add to the list with username and car, if you are going to attend the meet.
1. xkrnxnamjahx (2003 BMW M3)
Thank you
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