Python found with body inside...(gruesome pics)

Well I guess occasionally MAN is NOT the top of the food chain. Looks like somewhere in the middle....middle of that snakes belly to me. I wonder what that dude was thinking as that Python was crushing his ribs. Could not have been the common, "Well this sucks!!!" Probably something like,"You have got to be kidding me, I just became a 1 in a billion statistic." No for real, that is f$#ked up.
FAKE FAKE FAKE...I am actually kinda disappointed (SICKO) Some sort of Snake expert says that in this day and age, the snakes are to small and people are to large to have a person be eaten by one. As "real" as it may look...there is NO WAY that the snake could have gotten his mouth around the guys shoulders. There was a case where a man was "constricted" and passed out...not dead and the snake started to eat him (one leg) apparently the snake stopped at the mans crotch unable to further, the man wakes up, screams for help. Help arrives within minutes, the snake is killed and removed and the guys leg is was partially digested and had to be amputated...this according to this "expert" is the ONLY documented case of a snake "eating" a person. Several have been killed by "pet" snakes...but not eaten. Now this "expert" says that thousands of years ago when people were smaller and snakes were bigger, it is all to possible that "younger" kids could have and probably were routinly dined on by the big snakes. I am not saying that any of this is true....just what I read researching the subject.
Atlanta, GA
I'd say your expert doesn't know squat. (imho) Anacondas can grow to be over 30 feet long, and have been known to have antelope, wild boars, even good sized crocs in their bellies, much less a tiny 'human'. We aren't on it's normal diet but hey, snakes can make mistakes too?

Those photos at the top are the best damn P'shopped photos I've ever seen then.. Lets see what happens when I take a look *in* Photoshop at them?

(6 minutes later)

No cut lines, no pixalation at a grandular level. These are actual photographs. Unless you're telling me these poor native folks have professional movie making special effects artists living in their village..

Below clip is from the 3rd link I posted:

Diet and Hunting method: Anacondas feed on capybaras, peccaries, fish and birds. Young may raid bird nests. Large specimens have been known to occasionally prey on deer, caimans and jaguars. They are also known to be cannibalistic. There have been recorded cases of attacks on humans.

Anacondas are ambush hunters. Although they mainly hunt in the water, they will also hunt on land. Anacondas usually lie coiled up in a murky, shallow pool or at the river's edge lying in wait for their unsuspecting prey. Anacondas bite their prey with their sharp teeth, hold on with their powerful jaws and pull them under water.

Anacondas are constrictors. The snake squeezes tighter each time its prey breathes out, so the prey cannot breath in again. This goes on until the prey dies of suffocation. Anacondas swallow their prey whole, starting with the head. This is so the legs fold up and the prey goes down smoothly. Anacondas can swallow prey much bigger than the size of its mouth since its jaw can unhinge and the jawbones are loosely connected to the skull. While the snake eats, its muscles have wave-like contractions, crushing the prey even further and surging it downward with each bite.

Anacondas has a very slow-acting digestive system. After a big meal, anacondas will rest for several days while digestion occurs. Anacondas will not eat again for several weeks or even months, depending on the size of the last meal.

It's easy enough to raise the BS flag because something seems unbelievable, but just because we live in a Pshop world these days, doesn't mean everything is. There really *are* 30 foot snakes (not pshopped) laying around that can eat anything they can get their jaws unlocked around..

Anyhow, dunno why I latched onto this thread like this. I get disappointed when people don't research things themselves and jump to conclusions, just because reality might seem unreal at the moment.. That website is crap too, they deny a whole lot of pretty unrealistic situations (some rightfully so), but never explain *how* it's *fake*. Hell I can put up a website and can make claims contrary to documented happenings, and twist photos to base my own conclusions. I doubt that National Geographic is going to do that.. (The first link at the top...)
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Great post Section_8, however I very thoroughly read each one of your links and not one made reference to any actual documented case of a Snake, irregardless of the kind eating a person, they said that there had been "attacks" but nothing about actual human ingestion. I do believe that it could be entirely possible that a snake COULD eat a person, but all of the sites that I have looked at have been very careful to NOT mention any specific incidents, times or dates. Hell if Richard Gere can make the front page of a paper because of a Hamster in his buttocks, surely a SNAKE eating a person is a news worthy event. I watch the news , and read several papers and news web sites daily, I have NEVER read of such an incident....once again I say that I am NOT saying it has not happened, you would just be hard pressed to find an ACTUAL documented case.
Atlanta, GA
lots of things occur that are not 'documented' scientifically, under a microscope, so that there can be no space to argue or differ.

The photos in this thread are from 2 seperate 'incidents' of a person supposedly eaten, and the snake having been found, (probably by the local's family, looking for their missing family member..) killed, and gutted to find the obvious reason for it's bloating. Seeing as how these snakes that could possibly do this live in pretty remote parts of the world, it's not shocking to me that we don't hear about it.

Like I said I guess those native guys must be good at makeup and stuff. The photo isn't altered so what we're seeing is real in some form or another. (real fake, or real real)

either way, it's entertaining! [;)]
