Our political discussions

Houston, Texas
Abdoman said:
Bryan, your right but I might kick some sand in a Democrat's eye before I help him up. [:D] [:D]
so laughing, so laughing

is that kinda like help him up just to knock him down again......

I'm not offended by anyone's political beliefs.....what I have a problem with is people offering the opinion that us Republicans must be crazy or lunatic or something because we believe differently from the Democrats. Can't you at least respect the fact that we have the right to vote for whichever candidate we feel most qualified without knocking us with the stupidity reasoning, lack of educated voters and the snobbiness some of these threads show for people in the South. Many rural areas may not have the best job prospects, but who the hell is keeping them there, those are choices folks. We all see things differently, that's what makes the world go around.......we also live in a democracy, not a socialist country. Float your boat and VOTE.......I dont even care for whichever candidate, but at least VOTE.....and pulease folks, I dont want to hear the day after the election that you was robbed again, how the world will end by the end of 4 years. Remember, the sun will still come up November 3rd............. [thumb]
Houston, Texas
Bryan330i said:
They are just voting trends, that's it. If you are Republican because you think this brings you status please accept my apology, but it does not change the voting facts. And why would you care, it's clearly not directed at you or anyone here. The argument is going both ways and you are actually part of the majority. This is puzzling.
Puzzling.......I dont think your reply was meant to be with my quote.

I'm the last person to care about status if you think that is why I am Republican or drive a BMW (thought I would throw that in since I havent been home in three weeks and I miss my car), nor do I care about being in a majority.


Senior Member
Lancaster, PA
MyHarley said:
Puzzling.......I dont think your reply was meant to be with my quote.

I'm the last person to care about status if you think that is why I am Republican or drive a BMW (thought I would throw that in since I havent been home in three weeks and I miss my car), nor do I care about being in a majority.
I don't think he directed it at you. I think he is making a point that the majority of "conservatives" are conservative because they believe it classes them with a higher class of society, but he simply said that is not it - class in society has and is largely based on education.
Atlanta, GA
epj3 said:
class in society has and is largely based on education.
before education, comes $$$$$.... Those with it already of course. You could be dumb as **** with no education, have alot of cash, and folks will bow and scrape before you, no doubt. Kings and Queens of many countries of old were inbred family members with no education.. But they sure as heck were the 'upper class' of society.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

If education 'were' the real measure of 'class' in society, we wouldn't be in half the pickles we are these days in this country! It certainly would be a better place for everyone. Utopia like?

Please let Nov 3rd come quickly.. I am sick and tired of all this political discussion, where were all you folks 1 year ago, 2 years ago? I spend a little time daily in a political irc channel on undernet, just so I can get in my daily rant, and also glean a little more knowledge from everyone else, and the political arena at large. Everyone jumping on the bandwagon in the past month or 2 - thanks, but like I said, where were you last summer? (When I say where were you, I mean, were you discussing politics? Did you care about the upcoming vote this year?)

I'm not directing this at anyone directly btw, for all I know some of you may be in the chat channel with me! [:)] I see it here, and across the internet though.. It's like politics is a 'fad' that will fade Nov 3rd (thankfully, in some respects). Everyone should care as much every DAY as you have the past few weeks here. That sort of concern and care for this country is what 'could' get us back on track again.
