yup, i had my first accident in the US. Lucky me, not guilty.
this is what happened. it was 6.40 p.pm. --> rush hour. we stood at the exit of our local kroger store to get back into traffic. infront of us a dark green explorer SUV. well, he decided to go a little further and a little bit more. suddenly he sees that there is traffic approaching on the lane he covers to 50% now and backs up. guess what? right he backed up directly on my plate. what a huge bang. now, after that he did not get out, now the trafic passed and he just took off, and merged in to traffic as if nothing happened before. we could follow that fellow some car lengths later when a hole in the numerous cars opened up for me to slip in. now with in front i got so unbelievably mad....you have no idea. crunching my car and then driving away??? hello??? he made a right into a neighborhood. like a minute later when i came to the crossing i followed him of course, i wanted to hunt him down. he was gone so i cruised through the hood a while and finally found him....yeah i got him....that old dude said he recognized the crash but didn't think it was not so bad and so he drove away. and in rush hour he did not want to pull over for not blocking the traffic!!!
bottom line is, that the car has no damage. nothing except a scratch on the plate. i am really astonished how well my lil focus survived the hit of that SUV!!!
this is what happened. it was 6.40 p.pm. --> rush hour. we stood at the exit of our local kroger store to get back into traffic. infront of us a dark green explorer SUV. well, he decided to go a little further and a little bit more. suddenly he sees that there is traffic approaching on the lane he covers to 50% now and backs up. guess what? right he backed up directly on my plate. what a huge bang. now, after that he did not get out, now the trafic passed and he just took off, and merged in to traffic as if nothing happened before. we could follow that fellow some car lengths later when a hole in the numerous cars opened up for me to slip in. now with in front i got so unbelievably mad....you have no idea. crunching my car and then driving away??? hello??? he made a right into a neighborhood. like a minute later when i came to the crossing i followed him of course, i wanted to hunt him down. he was gone so i cruised through the hood a while and finally found him....yeah i got him....that old dude said he recognized the crash but didn't think it was not so bad and so he drove away. and in rush hour he did not want to pull over for not blocking the traffic!!!
bottom line is, that the car has no damage. nothing except a scratch on the plate. i am really astonished how well my lil focus survived the hit of that SUV!!!