She's still awake. Remember the big one in "80" took place after about 12 small eruptions and then had a big lull without much of anything. No eruptions or earthquakes then all of the sudden the big boom and half the mountain was gone. I don't believe this will be like that, but the old lava dome has risen some 100 feet from last Tuesdays "big one". Overall the dome has more than doubled as the magma continues to rise. They don't know how far from the top it is, but they suspect the earthquakes has subsided only because there is not as much rock being broken/busted/blasted apart/ like in the beginning. There will be more to come. They are just not sure when or what type of action is going to happen.
They believe the mountain will continue to have steam eruptions and the like, but some believe there will be some sort of explosive eruption in the hours/days/months/years ahead. Predicting this thing is still in its infant stage. Your/their guess is as good as mine. I don't think she went back to sleep, just taking a short nap.....