Kindergarten kid giving BJ to get a spongebob

Lincoln, CA
aNoodle said:
LMAO. They're'd think these investigative reporters would have something better to do.
I find kindergardners trading sexual favors pretty damn shocking. More so than "contractor scams" or some stupid thing like that.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
codex57 said:
I find kindergardners trading sexual favors pretty damn shocking. More so than "contractor scams" or some stupid thing like that.
Contractor scams?

BigD...why you spinning this into some NEA conservative hate? They're kindergardners.
can a kindergardner even get an erection? that's disgusting.

i hope this will show people that tend to be more liberal/open with language and sex/violence on tv and movies. it DOES affect children, whether they are too young or not. they see, they do.

Big Daddy

Senior Member
PNW (Left) Coast
aNoodle said:
Contractor scams?

BigD...why you spinning this into some NEA conservative hate? They're kindergardners.
Who said I am spinnig anything? The NEA has fought to and maintained subpar teachers because they believe teachers can do no wrong. Where was this teacher when two of her students are engaged in this activity? They are kindergardners, your right....they should have constant supervision, I know I babysit my four year old grandson a lot.


Active Member
aNoodle said:
LMAO. They're'd think these investigative reporters would have something better to do.
It's sad you find this a laughing matter, and that time is wasted investigating this matter! I feel this is a very serious matter and should be investigated and looked into immediately. I do not want my daughter in a class with that kind of activity going on!
Let's see if I can try this again:
The NEA, like any other union or organization, goes to the wall in support of its members. It was originally formed to protect teachers who were being fired because their teaching styles weren't in line with what the current school administration thought the "line" should be. As you can imagine, this is a very dangerous thing. You get a school board that is heavily orthodox Christian, and suddenly it becomes "out of line" to teach evolution. You get a school board that's mostly extreme liberals, and suddenly any mention of religion becomes taboo. These teachers that were fired weren't officially fired for what they were teaching. They were labelled as "incompetent" and then fired. The NEA was formed to help prevent the unfair firing of teachers. This story is a perfect example of what can happen when people start to make judgments based on a few seconds of info reported by some news organization (which may or may not have its own agenda).

Many years ago a close friend of mine was one of the team that helped develop the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. There was a huge "expose" on 60 Minutes about how unworthy a vehicle it was. They sat one out in a field and fired an anti-tank rocket at it. Of course it was destroyed. And 60 Minutes acted like this was a horrifying thing. Why wasn't it built to withstand a direct hit from an anti-tank missile? [rolleyes] Anyone who's been in the military knows what damage such a missile can cause to even the most heavily armored vehicle. Then they asked my friend what would happen if the Bradley were to attempt a river crossing without the drain plugs in place. My friend answered honestly that it would sink. Well 60 Minutes cut their question at "were to attempt a river crossing" and left my friend's statement intact. So now my friend, who was on the development team, is shown on national TV saying that the BFV would sink if it were to attempt a river crossing. That's when I stopped watching 60 Minutes and started doubting everything I heard on the evening news.

There's more to this story (or less) than what this short clip tells. You can rest assured that the news station involved edited the clip to get the most shock value. And blaming the entire NEA for the error of one teacher is wrong. Blaming them for this incident is like blaming the NRA for every nut with a gun or blaming the police unions for defending every bad cop. In any situation there will be those who slip through the cracks. But condemning the organizations that defend those who have no power is wrong.

What I haven't seen here is anyone questioning why this child was even thinking this way. It seems to me if a kindergarten kid is thinking like this, then someone needs to take a good hard look at the parents. [confused]
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I'm sure teachers having sex with students is a widespread problem. [rolleyes] Millions of teachers and tens of millions of students. There's bound to be a few incidents, just as there are with doctors and policemen and soldiers and any other profession.

Teachers having sex with underage children is illegal. There's no question there and the NEA would never defend such behavior. Teachers having sex with students who are of a legal age is ethically wrong, but there's no law against it. Local school regs may forbid it, and in those cases the teacher involved, if found guilty, would be fired. The NEA would support the teacher only until he/she was proven guilty, as these cases often come down to the teacher's word against the student's.

This kindergarten incident is worth investigating, but it's far from an incident worthy of the evening news. This entire story is based on the recollection of one child. She claims to have heard this conversation and points out that the boys involved returned to their books when the teacher approached. I don't know how many of you have been in a class with 25 or 30 kids, but you cannot watch every single movement of every single child. This entire incident, if it happened at all, could have happened in just a few seconds. This "news" station is reporting it as the gospel truth. It's all based on the a story told by one child. At best, that child and the one who supposedly made the sexual comment need to be questioned, as do their parents. But blaming the teacher and the entire NEA because of one child's story is way out of line.
What I haven't seen here is anyone questioning why this child was even thinking this way.
actually i did mention something to that sort in a post above.

hope this will show people that tend to be more liberal/open with language and sex/violence on tv and movies. it DOES affect children, whether they are too young or not. they see, they do.
Detroit, MI
This is too good to pass up, gotta get my $0.02 in...

First, I don't think this is the teacher fault at all... how the heck are they supposed to see everthing? We got away with a LOT of stuff in gradeschool & highschool. I guess if we really wanted, I'm sure we coulda got a beejer in class.

Yeah, they are kindergardners and blah blah blah... but what's to invesitgate?! Kids are exposed to SEX everywhere everyday and are MUCH less nieve than we were as kids. Yeah the parents should have a little chat with their little homosexual grade-schooler, but what parent would think "Hey, my boy/girl is in the 1rst grade, better have that sex talk now!!"

Unfortunate incident. Let's move on now... no massive investigations, no mandating 2,3,4 adults in a classroom, blah blah blah... we have better things to use our resources on than figure out why a kid said "suck this for a sponge bob toy, beeee-yatch!". Take aways his tv/movie time and call it a night!
Houston, Texas
jszar said:
can a kindergardner even get an erection? that's disgusting.
I'm not even a guy and I can answer that one.........

When I was in high school, my girlfriend and I were making signs for the Homecoming Pep Rally (yes we were cheerleaders), the coach and assistant coach showed up at my house. My girlfriend had told the coach earlier in the day what she was doing that night and that my parents would not be home. They only had been there about 30 minutes, when we heard my Mother pull up, we ran to the piano and I was playing Amazing Grace and they were singing.......the look on my Mother's face was one of shock......I couldnt understand at that time why she was so upset. Not until years later did I ever think about improper teacher/student relationships, we just thought we were cool........... [slap]
Dallas TX, Kennesaw, GA
I am surprised that kindergartners even know about this type of activity. Equally shocking is that there would even be an interest in this.

A couple of years ago we had a kindergartner and a first grader, and a third grader living with us. They had been homeless in the worst part of town. As far as I could tell they had no such knowledge of sex or sexual activities such as this, nor should they.

I think this could only be learned at home or by being around much older kids in a bad environment. The parents need to be investigated ASAP- this is a big red flag.
Bryan330i said:
I am surprised that kindergartners even know about this type of activity. Equally shocking is that there would even be an interest in this.

A couple of years ago we had a kindergartner and a first grader, and a third grader living with us. They had been homeless in the worst part of town. As far as I could tell they had no such knowledge of sex or sexual activities such as this, nor should they.

I think this could only be learned at home or by being around much older kids in a bad environment. The parents need to be investigated ASAP- this is a big red flag.

Again, I will stress my point on our media and entertainment. Sex is everywhere. TV, newspapers, magazines, SCHOOL, work, THE WHITE HOUSE, Internet, movies, etc. It started years ago, and has only gotten worse. It was a big dea a few years back, when it was on the news about sex in high school, parties etc. But that time has passed and its almost welcomed with open arms. Now we are just seeing it in grade school, kindergarten, etc. We are suprised now, but I think it will simmer down just like everything else has in the past.

It's wrong, don't mistake me, but I am just pointing out the trend I see. Not to dis on you in any way Bryan330i, but I think that this "shocking" attitude that everyone gets is contagious. And everyone just lets the opportunity to do something pass by, then actaully correcting, or looking for something to correct in our actions. Obviously WE are doing something wrong if this is happening. It isn't natural, nor should it be. Kids are supposed to play sports, draw pictures, and live the life of a kid. Sex shouldn't be anywhere in that mix. And where they see it most is through media. I think it's time for a change in the way that whole process works, ie movie ratings etc.

In the end, it will always be the parents own morals that develop the character of their children, and that's the way it should be, but they aren't always under their parents watch all the time. It shouldnt be so easy to get a hold of porn, or watch OBVIOUS notions of sexual actions on tv shows. This isn't the whole problem, but a large part of it (IMO).
This whole thing is a non-issue. This entire story is based on one little girl's statement to her mother. The mother called the news station and the idiots at the news station called all the other parents to tell them. No one bothered to verify ANY OF IT! This is one news station's attempt at making a big name for themselves. There's no corroborating evidence or statements at all. One little girl's supposed statement is turned into a federal case by an overzealous TV station. [rolleyes]
Lets put some of the blame on the is not ALL societies problem. If the kids know this sort of activity and pervasive language, they had to have learned it at home. I know what my kids know. Lets be realistic here.
