I got it on the first pre-order and didn't even have to wait in line. I actually got on Nov. 22nd, but my wife wouldn't let me open it until my B-Day (bummer). It's is very very cool. If you do get one Tom and you get online with Xbox live look me up and put me on your friend’s list if you want. I go by M Speed or let me know your gamer tag and I will send you a add to friends request. Tom they are going to have the 2nd shipment go out and be available on the 18th of this month. Try again you may get lucky.....
I did however, scrape the bumper of my M on my B-Day down to the plastic taking a good 1 and half to two inches off the bumper. I will have to have it sanded and resprayed. That really sucks and I was (still am) bummed about it. I am thinking of having the whole front bumper resprayed when I have the work done in the future.
P.S. I also got pulled over on the night of my B-Day. He asked me if I knew why he was pulling me over (I have my wife and kids in the car, yes I put a car seat and booster seat in the M). I stated I had no idea (I knew I wasn't speeding, but the wife could have sworn I was). He stated my signal light was not amber, but white and do I know why? I said I have no idea I bought the car this way (in reality I whited out the bulb). He asked to turn it back on so he could see. I did and he came back and stated that the amber had flaked off the bulb and I should replace to avoid a $100 ticket for each bulb.
What a load of shit! The top parts of the bulbs are whited out (silver) and the bottom is still amber and it still will flash amber. He was correct though, the coating did flake off so I do need to get new bulbs. I will white them out though. I can't stand that egg yoke look. A wild B-Day indeed.....