back on topic...

Chattanooga, TN
now that we've all discussed our political beliefs and made it known...

anybody have any experience in doing paintjobs themselves? after the predicament involving my car rolling off of ramps and the driver door hitting my mom's E46 325i (no damage to her's), thus bending my door outwards (crushing the outside) and essentially ripping out the door brake system from the door and body... and possibly slightly bending the frame where the door hinges attach... i'm going to have a body shop repair the body work, while I buy a salvaged door from another E34 5er, sand it down, and re-paint it... friend has a powerful air compressor so all I have to do is buy the sprayer and the paint... which i have no idea how to both apply it, nor sand down the old, nor the process & layers... nor where to get the paint... anybody?
Winston Salem, NC
Painting body panels on a car and getting to look right is definitely an art. It is not something that can really be described to you, especially over an internet discussion board. If you've never painted a car before, this will most likely not turn out well. If you are paying a shop to fix the structural stuff, I'd just pay them to paint the door while they are at it. It'll turn out better.
Pittsburgh, PA
i say give it a try! mess around with it. If its just the door, you can always do it again if it looks bad. I think the experience would be worth it.

Painting takes time and practice. You have to use the right amount of paint etc. Do it in a garage cause the bugs love to die in your fresh paint.

jrt is right. You can't really explain anything over the net but you can definitely learn the art with some practice. paint some random peices of metal around your house. haha
Oswego, IL
I tried to take care of some rust spots (some that had rusted through) on my beretta that I had. I did O.K. with the body filler, but my painting skills were just down the drain. I decided that if I ever did that again, I would have to buddy up to someone who owns a body shop to show me how to do it right. Until then, I'll let the touch ups go to the shop when needed.

It's an art that I may never master.
