Another frivolous lawsuit!

Lincoln, CA
I hope this bitch rots in hell after living a long miserable life on earth. This bitch was just after more money from these poor girls.

DURANGO, Colo. - Two teenage girls who surprised their neighbors with homemade cookies late one night were ordered to pay nearly $900 in medical bills plus court costs for a woman who says she was so startled that she had to go to the hospital.

La Plata County Court Judge Doug Walker declined Thursday to award punitive damages, saying he did not believe the girls acted maliciously but that 10:30 was fairly late at night for them to be out.

Taylor Ostergaard, then 17, and Lindsey Jo Zellitti, then 18, baked the chocolate chip and sugar cookies one night last July. They made packages with a half-dozen cookies each and added large red or pink construction-paper hearts that carried the message, “Have a great night” and were signed with their first initials: “Love, The T and L Club.” Then they set off to make their deliveries.

The Denver Post reported Friday that the girls had decided to stay home and bake the cookies rather than go to a dance where there might be cursing and drinking. It reported that six neighbors wrote letters entered as evidence in the case thanking the girls for the cookies.

‘Shadowy figures’ and no answer to ‘Who’s there?’
But Wanita Renea Young, 49, said she was at her rural home south of Durango around 10:30 p.m. when she saw “shadowy figures” outside the house banging repeatedly on her door. She yelled, “Who’s there?” but no one answered, and the figures ran away.

The teens said they did not answer when the woman called out because they wanted the treats to be a surprise.

Frightened, Young spent the night at her sister’s home, then went to the hospital the next morning because she was still shaking, had an upset stomach and feared she had had a heart attack.

Apologies called insincere
The teenagers’ families offered to pay Young’s medical bills, but she declined and sued, saying their apologies were not sincere and were not offered in person.

The girls declined comment after the ruling. Taylor’s mother said her daughter “cried and cried.”

“She felt she was being punished for doing something nice,” Jill Ostergaard said.

Young said the teenagers showed “very poor judgment”

“The victory wasn’t sweet,” Young said. “I’m not gloating about it. I just hope the girls learned a lesson.”

The two were ordered to pay $871.70 plus $39 in court costs. They paid the judgment Thursday, a court clerk said Friday.
Now I'm uber pissed. I'm going to hunt down this woman and I'm going to show up at her door as a shadowy figure, not answer to "who's there," then punch her in the face.

Either that, or I'm just going to sit here being really mad and tell all my friends so they can get mad, too.,


Staff Team
Well I can empathize about her being scared, but to sue after the family offered to pay for the medical expense is ridiculous.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
foomonkey525i said:
Now I'm uber pissed. I'm going to hunt down this woman and I'm going to show up at her door as a shadowy figure, not answer to "who's there," then punch her in the face.

Either that, or I'm just going to sit here being really mad and tell all my friends so they can get mad, too.,
Me too! I HATE people like this. I wanna see the old lady's lights knocked out! What's wrong with n****r knocking an old lady's house at 10:30 with cookies. I HATE this judge, want to see his nose knocked in too. Bitch, Hate, Rot in Hell, Justice System BS. What was the old lady scared of...she should've just grabed her hand gun!
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Houston, Texas
my gosh does anyone here need to sign up for an anger management class?

While I do not agree that a lawsuit was necessary, but knocking on someone's door at 10:30 PM and not answering could get you shot instead of just paying a fine..........none of you can know how it feels to be female and live alone in this day and age of violence.........we do not know the full story of this woman to be so judgemental.........
Lincoln, CA
Yeah, she's scared. Got hurt and got her medicals paid. Asking for punitives was way over the line IMO. What happened to a good ol lecture to the girls saying, "I appreciate the cookies, but not answering scared the crap out of me and could get you shot. You girls need to be more careful, despite your good intentions." Simple, gets her message across. No need for the courts to get involved. She just wanted money, plain and simple.
New Jersey
Yeah I know. If you are scared, you call 911, you don't run to your sister's house and then go to the hospital the next morning because you're "still shaking". Somebody needs to punch this bitch in the face.
Winston Salem, NC
aNoodle said:
Me too! I HATE people like this. I wanna see the old lady's lights knocked out! What's wrong with n****r knocking an old lady's house at 10:30 with cookies. I HATE this judge, want to see his nose knocked in too. Bitch, Hate, Rot in Hell, Justice System BS. What was the old lady scared of...she should've just grabed her hand gun!
Thanks so very much for the healthy dose of sarcasm!!!! I knew it was going to be coming when I first started reading this thread. [rolleyes]

I was appalled when I read about this litigation, and several questions came to my mind: if she was so frightened of those shadowy figures, then why didn't she call the cops? Why did she LEAVE HER HOUSE to spend the night at her sister's place? It sounded fishy to me.

But, as you can imagine, there is more to the story. I found an article in the Durango Herald News in Durango, CO about this. Turns out that the plot thickens. 15 years ago, the lady had been assaulted by a neighbor. She did actually call the cops after the cookie delivery, and they were the ones that suggested she spend the night away from her home. Fine, I can understand how the lady was frightened.

However, it appears that her husband is harassing the family of one of the girls, and they have obtained a restraining order against him. That doesn't say much about the character of the "victim" and her husband in my book. Her seeking of punitive damages is what really gets me, especially after one of the kids' parents voluntarily offered to pay the lady's medical bills. Seems to me that the lure of money got involved here. I also can't figure why she didn't go to the hospital that night if she really thought she was having a heart attack? Why did she wait until the next morning. I know that if I was truly concerned that I was having a heart attack, I'd be calling 911 or driving myself to the ER.

And who the heck is this judge? 10:30 at night was too late for a 17 and 18 year old to be out? Give me a break - how out of touch with reality is he?? [rolleyes]

The article can be seen here:
Winston Salem, NC
Even more details from the local paper:

I also came across an article in the Denver Post. Here's a quote that I thought was funny:

But Taylor had asked her father's permission to bake cookies for the neighbors after livestock-tending chores were done.

"I said, 'Go ahead, as long as I get some cookies,"' Richard Ostergaard said Thursday.,1413,36%7E53%7E2691638,00.html#
Chicago, IL
This type of crap happens all the time, wether or not we like it we have to deal with it. I for one am appaled, just reminds me of how many assholes overpopulate the good people. No hope for this world after all [nono]


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
jrt67ss350 said:
Thanks so very much for the healthy dose of sarcasm!!!!
But, as you can imagine, there is more to the story.
hehehehe... [drinking]

Of course there's more to the story; there always is. Thanks for the research, I couldn't be bothered this time. But the original story sounds great...and people still believe a dingbat women got $50MM for a McDonald's coffee spill. Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Our legal system is BULLSHIZZY. I HATE this BITCH. I hope her body decomposes in the fires of hell for this afront to humanity.
Winston Salem, NC
aNoodle said:
hehehehe... [drinking]

Of course there's more to the story; there always is. But it sounds great...and people still believe a dingbat women got $50MM for a McDonald's coffee spill. Thanks for the research, I couldn't be bothered. Hey, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I HATE this BITCH. Our legal system is BULLSHIZZY.
Yeah, there's more to the story, but it was ridiculous that litigation ensued even after the families offered to pay her medical bills for her. What did she end up getting out of the litigation? Her medical bills are paid (by a radiostation) and a bunch of negative international publicity to go along with that (the story is now on the Reuters news service). Her claimed attempts to use litigation to teach these girls a lesson only resulted in public outrage against her and the judge.

The whole thing is just stupid and shouldn't have even made it to court.


1000 Post Club
Athens, GA
Agreed, completely stupid. If they offered to pay the medical bills then why wasn't a check sent over and it never went to trial? I'd have to read a serious story about this case before even having an opinion on it. As it stands, it's just a bunch of nonsense involving feuding, rural families and a press corp adicted to sound bites.
New Jersey
MyHarley said:
my gosh does anyone here need to sign up for an anger management class?

While I do not agree that a lawsuit was necessary, but knocking on someone's door at 10:30 PM and not answering could get you shot instead of just paying a fine..........none of you can know how it feels to be female and live alone in this day and age of violence.........we do not know the full story of this woman to be so judgemental.........
I'm sure any form of threat she felt was neutralized when she looked down and saw a box of cookies at her door.....
